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How do you stay interested?

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When you've been with someone a long time and live with them - how do you prevent them from getting on your nerves? How do you not get bored? Familiarity breeds contempt, doesn't it?

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heh I don't think you can ever stop someone from never getting on your nerves, it just matters on how you deal with it


Its hard to answer the bored question though since my husband gose out of his way to make sure life around here in never dull. I guess you could always find something new that you both would enjoy, even something as simple as finding a new TV Show you both can enjoy may add new conversation into your lives. Go out and see new things, talk about topics of the day.

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Like Tiki said, if you're an interested person then you're never boring to be with. Life offers new things every day that you can talk about or learn about or do - not to mention the zillions of existing things.


Familiarity breeds contempt only if you become familiar with a person who does contemptible things that they used to hide from you but stops.

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Eventually you get on each others nerves here and there.


I think one important thing is for both to have healthy and full lives outside of the marriage as well such as friends, work, community activities, hobbies etc.


Knowing when to walk away from a silly fight over nothing is imortant too. In a marriage 'winning' often means losing.

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Compatability is key.

Chores of household & finances another key...

Have hobbies and friends of your own...

Constructive discussions... no picking fights or attacking...

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When you've been with someone a long time and live with them - how do you prevent them from getting on your nerves? How do you not get bored? Familiarity breeds contempt, doesn't it?


When you live with someone, it's natural to get on eachothers nerves and get sick of seeing them, hearing them and putting up with annoying habits. But, those moments pass and life goes back to where it should be.


What helps is having your own separate life. Meaning, things you like to do on your own. Be with your friends, or just go out, or BE alone in the house. We don't feel the 'need' to entertain eachother. Neither of us want to spend 24/7 around eachother because then (I only speak for myself here) he gets on my nerves and then we get irritated with one another. It's respecting eachothers needs and times for needing space.


Recently I was in rotten mood and he just left me alone. Did his own thing in the house. I stayed upstairs, and bummed around here on LS. Then later we had dinner, watched some hockey together but didn't talk at all. IT was actually VERY comfortable because we both know and trust that all is OK.


Try not to think too much about it. Lifes routines will just take care of it.

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When you've been with someone a long time and live with them - how do you prevent them from getting on your nerves? How do you not get bored? Familiarity breeds contempt, doesn't it?



go here and read the first few post by LadyJane or the whole thread, but the first few post by her are right on....she nailed it 100%



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