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Loss of love and mistakes I made


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Hi everybody,


I really know how loneliness feels after the loss of my girlfriend. We were together for 4 and a half years. I made many mistakes. We broke up about 3 months ago. She is now with someone else and I miss her terribly. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Hi everybody, I really know how loneliness feels after the loss of my girlfriend. We were together for 4 and a half years. I made many mistakes. We broke up about 3 months ago. She is now with someone else and I miss her terribly. Any advice would be appreciated.

About the best thing I can suggest is to get out & do your own thing. Get busy doing something you really enjoy...it will make you feel a lot better! Try going for a walk in a nice park or woods, if you can...that always makes me feel better. Good luck & take care!

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I have been there. I realise, how hurt you are. But thinking about the past mistakes doesn't do any good for the future. Get away from the guilty feelings. Everyone makes mistakes. Count the blessings from your break-up. Make atleast 10 good things, you have gained by the break-up and what you have learned from the mistakes. Be optimistic. When i was dumped, i thought "She is not luck enough to get me". Have respect for you and avoid wallowing in self-pity.


To forget the past, keep yourself busy, try looking for a new relationship, help someone to get away from their problems (This will work greatly), act you are happy(Ultimately you will become happy), do whatever you enjoy and makes you happy etc.


Best of Luck, Kim.



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