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to clia: one more ...


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thanks! --


she told me why she wants some time -- "sort out her personal life" -- the guys she has been seeing and who she keeps saying is not the right guy.


btw, there has been a small glitch. she is the one who suggested we could meet for dinner etc. i therefore suggested the next weekend and she accepted. middle of the week she wrote back saying that she would not be able to make that week-end (gave me a very explicit reason -- basically amounting to the fact that she might not be able to spend too much time as she had to go somewhere). she then suggested postpoing it till the next week-end. i responded with a 'sure -- how about szaturday - is that ok for you?" well, to day is thursday and still no reply -- am i to assume that we are on and just send her the name and time of the place ?? i am not sure what is going on - is she playing games etc.



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Give her a call to see if you're still on for Saturday. It's really inexcusable for her not to get back to you, but since you really like her, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she just forgot. If she gives you another excuse (not to say that she didn't have a good one before), I don't know what to tell you. Based on how she responds, I guess you either suggest another day or give up. You can't allow her to treat you like crap--someone who breaks plans over and over again is not someone you want to be with.

thanks! -- she told me why she wants some time -- "sort out her personal life" -- the guys she has been seeing and who she keeps saying is not the right guy. btw, there has been a small glitch. she is the one who suggested we could meet for dinner etc. i therefore suggested the next weekend and she accepted. middle of the week she wrote back saying that she would not be able to make that week-end (gave me a very explicit reason -- basically amounting to the fact that she might not be able to spend too much time as she had to go somewhere). she then suggested postpoing it till the next week-end. i responded with a 'sure -- how about szaturday - is that ok for you?" well, to day is thursday and still no reply -- am i to assume that we are on and just send her the name and time of the place ?? i am not sure what is going on - is she playing games etc. thanks
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Well .. i wrote to her and behaved as if the date was on all along and just gave her a time and place. i also wrote that i would not be available for the rest of the day as i will be out.


she responded in less than an hour and agreed on the place and postponed the dinner meeting by an hour. again -- in the past i did make her run around a bit when she was very interested in me -- is she just paying me back ? also, when do women play such games -- when they are interested or otherwise -- just to screw with a guy's head



Give her a call to see if you're still on for Saturday. It's really inexcusable for her not to get back to you, but since you really like her, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she just forgot. If she gives you another excuse (not to say that she didn't have a good one before), I don't know what to tell you. Based on how she responds, I guess you either suggest another day or give up. You can't allow her to treat you like crap--someone who breaks plans over and over again is not someone you want to be with.
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Good job. Now I guess you get to find out what happens next...Let us know how it goes.


She might be paying you back. Don't worry about it. Women play games for the same reasons men do. Because books such as The Rules told all of us that's what the opposite sex really wants--a challenge.

Well .. i wrote to her and behaved as if the date was on all along and just gave her a time and place. i also wrote that i would not be available for the rest of the day as i will be out. she responded in less than an hour and agreed on the place and postponed the dinner meeting by an hour. again -- in the past i did make her run around a bit when she was very interested in me -- is she just paying me back ? also, when do women play such games -- when they are interested or otherwise -- just to screw with a guy's head



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