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What's a good time to ask?


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Well, I was wondering when is a good time to ask someone your dating for awhile if her feelings for you have changed.


The past couple of weeks I noticed that my G/F feelings have changed for me! I have a feeling she has feelings or likes someone else. I hate to think that but when you dream the night before about you G/F with another person and the next day you see them together even though you never seen the other person before that's deja vu'!!!! I might be jumping to conlcusions but I want to ask her on the phone right away but my friend told me to hold off and see what happens. Maybe this person is just a friend and I'm looking at things too closely!! Please help me!!!!

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Usually trust your gut. But if you are really concerned, and decide to ask her, don't let her see HOW much it's affecting you. Yeah, I'd feel out the situation, even ask her directly "who is he to you...what does he mean to you?"


But I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing that this is BOTHERING you...you, as her boyfriend, would like to know, and have a right to know, if she wishes to be your girlfriend.

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