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Why Am I All Of A Sudden Afraid Of The Dark?


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Last night for the first time since i was about 6 i got afraid of the dark....whaaaaaaaaaaaaat is going on???!!!


Every little tiny noise had me paranoid like mad using the light from my phone as a torch scowering the room to see if anything was lurking around!!!


I felt like i wasn't alone it was really creepy! :(


I never get afraid like that!! I love horror films and psychological thrillers etc the more twisted and sicker the better it doesn't bother me....but afraid of the dark in my bed in a room i've slept in for god knows how long...whats going on there?????


Last time i was afraid of the dark was when i was afraid of E.T when i was about 4 :rolleyes: hehehe and that lasted a few years and after that i snapped out of it

and nothing bothered me since....has he come back to haunt me :confused: ???? lol


I feel like a kid all over again...i'm going backwards...either that or i'm getting extremely soft in my not so old age :confused:


This isn't the first time it's happened before....it happened once before a while ago but i blamed it on being drunk at the time....it was while i was with my ex and he'd gotten out of bed and gone to the toilet then got back in bed on my side...then i started getting sooooooooooo paranoid and scared but i still think it was the drink... i made him switch places and i stayed awake all night clinging to him lol...but i wasn't drunk last night....hadn't watched any scary films...i was just wide awake...afraid of the dark and paranoid...:(


I'll get my daddy to come scare E.T away :D lol

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I had that experience once after my break up. It's weird, cause like you, I hadn't been scared of the dark since I was young. I think I watched a scary movie, and like you, I love scary movies (the scarier, the better). But for some reason, when I decided to sleep that night, I felt like there was a totally evil presence in my room and that I was being consumed by this evil. I couldn't shake the feeling. I'm sure there's some psychological explanation for it, but it was a pretty interesting experience.

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We broke up about 2 weeks ago, and ever since I have been sleeping with the light on. Im a 20 year old male, I doubt im really scared of the light, but its just something I do now. :o

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