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should I forget about it??

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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][sIZE=2] For the past couple weeks of this girl has been showing interest in me now I'm 27 and girl is 19 and we work together so at first I was a little iffy on whether I should ask her out and so she would tell how she called to see if i was working,and tell me what she liked to do so I knewed she liked me but again the age thing and I'm studying for the firefigther exam so I knew I would not have a lot of time 2 spend with her and she also in school and work.So had a couple times when could have asked her out but didn't not.So lately she been giving me hugs and smiling but when I try to talk to her she will talk to me 4 a quick secound and just cut off the talking to me and quickly find someone else to talk to 2 she has done this a number of times so I just continue with what I was doing but so it's hard for me to get to know because she does this I want to get her away from work so I could get to know her better because it seems i cant do anything at work So sunday I got her phone number and asked if she liked to go out on friday she was like well she so I waited until today 2 call and the conversation was very brief I ask if she was busy on friday and she said she let me know tonite so I went to talk to her today and greeted her and she did the same old quickly finding someone else to talk 2 thing so I was pissed off cause she did the same thing on the phone early now I didn't bring anything up about going out she was telling me how she had so much things going on her life and I was like u need 2 take things slow cause she seems stress all the time then she quicky turn to talk to someone else. So I didn't talk to her until the end of the night and I talk to a friend and she was like u need to just have a private talk just u and her.And see what on her mind and find out if ur waiting ur time. So at the end of the night I went to see her and ask her one more time if see was free she told me her had her doing something I was like ok cause I'm not trying to stress u out or anything I know u have on ur plate now so she told me just wanted to be friends but would steel like to go out. I just want to get her away from work so I could really get to know her is it worth my time to pursue or should I just focus on my exam and leave it be?[/sIZE][/FONT]

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Seems like she is giving you the brush-off I'm afraid. It's hard to say but perhaps she was only being friendly with you from the beginning and you have taken it the wrong way?? Sorry for being blunt. Has anyone else got any insight to this??

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