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need space & love


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i've been seeing an extremely sensitive woman for a little over a year now. i have expressed many times that i love her very much but i also need time to allocate to friends and to myself. my girlfriend believes when i make plans for myself or with friends it is because i don't want to see her. i have explained to her numerous times that my relationships with my friends are very important to me and if i opt to see them, it is not because i don't want to see her. she spends time with my friends and i as a group but when i go solo she gets upset. i know this stems from her feelings of insecurity but i continually reasure her of my love for her. this problem has been snowballing and it is bringing us to a critical point in our relationship. i don't want to loose her but i need another way to make her understand my needs. please help

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Well, it's atough problem, I have the same with my husband. I hate to let him go. We have decided that it will take time and the first steps are not toget mad if she feels hurt what you need to do it make sure that there is enough warning time before you choose to go out, that way, she can take the time to think of something that she can while you are out with your friends. Also, make sure that she is comfortable with your friends and that she doesn't feel threatened by any of them. It is a long process but dealing with insecurity is much harder than not being able to go out with the gang. You may find that you might have to always ask her to go and then you will se that eventually she will have the strength to say the she doesn't want to go. For now it seems that you need to be the strong one for the sake of both of you. Take it easy on her...

i've been seeing an extremely sensitive woman for a little over a year now. i have expressed many times that i love her very much but i also need time to allocate to friends and to myself. my girlfriend believes when i make plans for myself or with friends it is because i don't want to see her. i have explained to her numerous times that my relationships with my friends are very important to me and if i opt to see them, it is not because i don't want to see her. she spends time with my friends and i as a group but when i go solo she gets upset. i know this stems from her feelings of insecurity but i continually reasure her of my love for her. this problem has been snowballing and it is bringing us to a critical point in our relationship. i don't want to loose her but i need another way to make her understand my needs. please help
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