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6 month girl friend cheated on me

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twice with the same guy. a few weeks apart. full sex one time, but the hell with the details. she confessed a few days after the second time. that was 3 days ago.


I still love her, she's my first (I am 22. not quite a ladies guy...). I don't know what to do with her... I want her. A few hours after she told me I had her in my arms, we even kissed.

I feel very angry some of the time and very bad and hurt, almost sick to my stomach. But when I'm with her I feel gradually better better. But that makes me feel like such a doormat. she betrayed me and lied to me for weeks and I just take her back after asking her about it for a while.

I don't feel like shouting at her, I'm just not that guy, I never shout. I don't know what to do. what do you think?

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what do you think?



I'll be blunt: i think your gfs a whore and that you should dump her



you said you arent the shouting type..well you dont need to be, i sugest leaving her, but do it in a polite way, this will drive her even more crazy

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Grinning Maniac

I will also be blunt: You are being a pussy and overromanticizing your relationship because she is "your first". But you are with a girl who does not respect you and fully admits that she still wants the OM in her life and has no problem saying aloud that she probably won't "love you" forever.


If you stay with her, you are the biggest kind of fool there is. Go find someone who actually thinks that you are worth staying faithful to. You are, AREN'T YOU?


My God...the woman actually said that "I realized that the only way to stop this is to have sex with him. So I did. I know it sounds like such twisted logic, but I still think it’s true."


Are you reading that??? WAKE UP. Let's also not forget that she was NOT taken advantage by of some guy who was constantly pursuing her. She was the one doing the pursuing. It was all her idea. She got him to go ahead and do the horizontal mambo with her even though the OM thought it was a bad idea. That's a rarity...and it's a bad one.


Do you REALLY want to be with someone like this? Have some love for yourself. This broad is not worth the pain she will cause you.

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