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my girlfriend for 6 month cheated on me

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twice. with the same guy. it was a few weeks apart and included full sex once. but the hell with the details. she told me afew days after the second time. this was 3 days ago.


we are old friends turned lovers and are very serious and close


I still love her. she is my first (I"m 22. not quite the ladies man)

I still want her. we hugged even kissed the day it happened and slept in the same bed naked...

but I do feel very hurt and angry. most of the time I feel like I have colon cancer on accout of the big lump I feel in my guts. but talking to her is the only thing that soothes. it's so absurd.

I want to forgive her but I feel like such a doormat, like I'm letting her walk all over me and in return all I do is ask some "tough questions". I'm not the shouting-swearing-breaking stuff kind of guy...


she said she was sorry and that it only made her realize how much she loved me... and I believe her. but I'm not sure it's enough. I'm confused and I wonder how it all looks to someone else


you are welcomed to mail me as [email protected] about this if you want. or respond here

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It sounds like you love her and she probably loves you... but there are commitment issues here. Like you I'm not the shouting-swearing-breaking stiff kind of guy but I also don't like being treated like a doormat. Saying sorry only matters if you mean it. Sincere - then you can be a man and forgive her. We all make mistakes... but it's easier said than done from the outside. You are inside this situation and it's hurting you. If you don't resolve the situation the resentment won't go away and it'll poison your romance.


I have to wonder how into the relationship she is. You have a right to ask hard questions and at the very least tell her that she can't see the guy again. The problem with cheating is that trust is broken and there is the fear that they may do it again. Only you "know" her as a person so if you believe her and you forgive her then you have to move on. You have to drop the upset and pain because holding onto it isn't healthy. If you truly want to stay with her you have to make sure you don't hold it against her because too often hurt people lash out emotionally.


I think she made a mistake, she's sorry. You choose whether to move on and walk away or stay... but you do move on. If she ever does anything like it again then you probably should leave her. Also try and find out if there are reasons why she cheated. The problem is this wasn't just a drunk fling/mistake but she had seen this guy twice. Talk about your relationship and see what the problems are.


It could just be a commitment issue. My friend's g/f dumped him and went out with a few other guys then she realised what she'd lost and came back to him. This time their relationships better than ever before she gives a lot more to the relationship and is a lot more friendly. Her world resolves round him as she now puts him first. Hopefully they're getting married. He was very hurt when she dumped him but became a lot stronger in his relationships as he now expects more equality. He forgave her and he hasn't regretted his choice.


I hope it woeks out for you I really do.

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thank you. I needed to hear that. hearing there's hope for relationships which go through all this is good. (as I said I'm quite a rookie)


I have a history of suppressing bad and hard feeling and I know that (thanks to some therapy a few years back) and I'm trying to let myself truly feel it. but sometimes it's hard to know how I feel.

the guy was a drinking friend of hers, and being I don't drink (too much of a nerd) it totally came out of nowhere. I never met the guy, which I think was on purpose on his part. she says he's her friend and she wants to keep in contact with him... but she won't if I tell her to.

sometimes the thing that bugs me the most is a kind of "how worthless can you get? a woman double-cross you and you just roll over and take it?!". I'm not a "macho" kind of guy but this is carving me up.


we talked a lot about us since it all erupted, and I think we had some headway. she felt neglected and she said it had to do with the betrayal, though it doesn't justify it... I felt something was wrong but didn't think it was that severe and didn't do anything. what a fool. I have many regrets about the last couple of months too...

such a bloody mess

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Last year, I was in a similar situation with my gf of 3 years and something similar happened to me. The first time she claims she didnt "cheat" but from what I heard, it was pretty damn close. We talked about it and she said she was so sorry and how it was an isolated event and would NEVER happen again. Fast-forward to 6 months later and well...it happened again except this time it WAS cheating. I loved her dearly and actually thought she was "the one" but I broke up with her. We had actually been talking about a timeline for marriage. I was devastated. It took me a month before I cared about anything else. Thank god I have great family and friends that helped me through it. Looking back, breaking up with her was the smartest (but also the hardest) thing I could have done. I learned SO much from my experiences with her that it has made me understand what type and the qualities I now look for in a woman.


I know it would be an extremely hard thing to do, but I think you need to move on. Imagine how you are going to feel if you continue: you will constantly be wondering if it will happen again, and god-forbid it does happen again, you are going to feel much worse than you do now.


Maybe your girl is different and you CAN BE SURE this wouldn't happen again, but I doubt it. Just my thoughts from my situation.

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I would like to hear more opinions, questions, anything. if anyone has any to share.



I must admit that being in a small and mutual group of friends I don't have someone to talk to about all this. sad but true

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Fool me once - shame on you,

Fool me twice - Shame on me.


It is clear that you are inexperienced. She disrespected you at least twice. Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. I am willing to bet that she did not even respect you enough to use protection. Move on and in the future find someone who respects you and understand what a committment means because clearly she does not and she will be playing you until the next time.

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thank you. I needed to hear that. hearing there's hope for relationships which go through all this is good. (as I said I'm quite a rookie)


I also believe in second chances. If everyone gave up on love or rejected people because of their mistakes how many people would still be going out or married? It's up to you but I'd give it another go and try and work out the mistakes which led to this situation.


I think you'll do just fine. I mean what is someone who's "experienced"? Someone who's gone through or witnessed more tragedy and misery than all of Shakespeares plays combined? No one needs that kind of experience - what we need is to be in one relationship where honesty, trust and commitment to each other are the core of our being. Throw in empathy, compassion and understanding and I think we'd have a pretty good recipe for success.


I know what you mean about suppressing bad and hard feeling. I'm adopted because i was abandoned at birth. Growing up I've had abandonment issues and a whole "rejected from birth" thing. It's been hard but over the years I've learnt to cope and not bottle it up so much. There's nothing wrong in admitting our weaknesses we just can't let them run our lives. I couldn't handle my alcohol when I was younger and had panic attacks as well. I've since given up alcohol so it's not a nerdy thing. I have nothing against people who drink but sometimes people are taken advantaged of through alcohol.


My gut feeling is that you have to ask her to drop this guy. If it's the one thing you ask of her she should do this and hopefully will understand why. Any female friend of mine has a b/f I get to know them. I would be suspicious of any guys who likewise wouldn't want to know me. Sure I'm realistic to know that more guys tend to queue up after girls hoping to be their next b/f but that doesn't mean I like that kind of behaviour. It sounds like it was on purpose (not meeting you) and he's someone who needs to go.


I'd have problems if you g/f won't see your side and realise that the tool (*and the guy sounds like a right tool) of betrayal needs to go for your sake and as a sign of her commitment to you. You are not "worthless" you just need to learn to be assertive - not a jerk - but someone who is clear on what you will and won't tolerate. It's give an take so you both have to make agreements and compromises for each other. It's all about setting relationship boundaries and addressing any problems which you have.


I read on another thread that sometime we neglect others wants and needs. We can become too familiar and content with our partners and so they seek what we aren't giving them with another person. I'd say a lot of it is that the guy was probably hangig around just waiting to move in. Like I said kick him to the kerb (not macho just make it clear he needs to be gone). Anyway you need to find out what her needs are and try and meet them and if she has wants try and surprise her and make the extra effort.


Nothing justifies betrayal but part of being mature and loving someone is to forgive them their mistakes and understand that they happen. We are not perfect and never will be but what we can do is try our best. If you have your own regrets then talk them out where appropriate with friends, family, your g/f and if it helps on this forum. It may be a bloody mess but I think you can fix it together and who knows it may be the significant event which triggers everything coming together. I believe bad things are lessons and if we learn from them we can more than make up for the damage. Good luck to you.

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Cambric: I can't be sure it would never happen again. she said if she feels like that again she would never go behind my back again, but if she meets someone she wants instead of me, I guess it wasn't ment to go on.

I'm not close to any marrying phase and that changes the perspective. I see us together for a long time (if we actually pull this through) but not forever... not anytime soon...


she is a "taker" but I'm an addicted giver, and when I think about the type of girl I want to be with... I think of her... maybe someday I'll meet a girl that will make me realize I was wrong the whole time. but that's like living on the street cause you might someday somewhere find a better place to live...



on another topic: do you think it's weird that we were physically close merely hours after she told me? I was wondering if my judgement was being clouded by that... though at first I got horrible mental images (I asked for too much details)

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we are old friends turned lovers and are very serious and close


I beg to differ.. I'm thinking that you need to look at this a little differently..


Any girl who cheats twice on a guy in six months isn't his GF to begin with..


It seems to me that You and Her are on different pages as to what stage your relationship is in.. She obviously doesn't believe that you are in a commited relationship..


Personally I would've kicked her to the curb the first time she cheated..


If you stay with her you are going to coninue to get hurt..

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Bryanp and Art_Critic: remember that you don't know either of us. your judgement seems like an instinctive generallized shot from the hip.

(btw I didn't know about the first time until she told me about both) the first thing I wanted to do was kick her the hell out and go brake that guy's face... but then I took a breath and thought about how much I care about her and how my life is in another sphere since we started


this girl was talking about the apartment we'll one day have together, if I know anything, it's that she's not in this for a bit of fun.


you can call me blind but if I do quit it won't be because of my pride or because of cliches like "once a cheater always a cheater"

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you can call me blind but if I do quit it won't be because of my pride or because of cliches like "once a cheater always a cheater"


What's it gonna take, then?


After all, she did cheat on you. Twice.


I think you're a fool.

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aleatoryd thanks for the deeper (and lengthy :) reply.

note: I don't drink not because of because I don't handle it well, it's more because it's icky. I'm a geek, I've accepted that long ago. btw so is she.


anyway I think blaming alcohol is too easy. so is blaming him. I do think he's a sexual predetor but she claims I'm wrong. Thinking about the two of them talking over the web makes me hurt. I guess I'll need to talk with her some more about it. I think if I see him I might explode in some manner. I hope nothing that you serve time for...


I guess emotionally I'm not sure if I'm suppressing my anger or not. at first when she told me I just felt dull. like in the movies when they get shot in the stomach and see the blood but they don't feel the pain cause their system is "in shock"

now when I'm alone and not distracted by tv (thank god I'm unemployed til next month) I feel bad in various ways but when I'm talking to her or meet her I feel better. I wonder if it's just a defence mechanism keeping me from being too vulnerable

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Your funeral, buddy.


Paralysis by analysis.


westernxer: I think you think love is somekind of tool to make yourself feel good and get laid.


So does your girlfriend.

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if you wouldn't mind I'd like you to stop commenting on this thread

your opinon has been heard

I don't like your attitude

lets just go each our seperate paths

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It's an open forum, buddy.


Don't get so defensive if you can't take other points of view with a grain of salt.


Sometimes the truth hurts. You, more than anyone, could use a dose of it, because you don't respect yourself.


Rationalizing about your predicament isn't gonna help you in the long run, but I know how tough first-time romance can be. It cuts everyone at the knees, but we learn from our experiences and move on (hopefully).

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I agree with westernxer.. you need to get a grip.. you ask for advice and you immediatly attack the advice as wrong because we don't know you two..


Well guess what.. when you do finally hear what you want to hear from a poster remember that they don't know you two either.. So their advice won't be any good either..



She cheated on you twice.. what kind of advice were you looking for ??

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If you DO want to continue a relationship with her, then yes, TELL her you don't want her keeping intouch with that guy at ALL. Nothing. Not even an email or a phone call. If she love you enough and wants to work it out with you, gain your trust again she will do this for you. If she gives you excuses or shows any sign of unwillingless to bend and compromise - Then somehow YOU need to find a way to get over it and continue on with or without her.


She isn't understanding the consquences of her actions. She cheated on you 2 times and you didn't freakout. You layed in bed with her, cuddled and kissed her. Where's the anger? Was she sorry and upset she cheated on you?


I would be tough right now and let her know that you DO love her and are willing to give her ONE more chance, but if she cheats on you again, it's over.


Not too sure what your meaning of "enough is enough" is, but hopefully you won't stick around if she does cheat on you again. Only you are in control of how much pain you're willing to put up with from her.


I also have to add, by posting here many people offer up great advice. A_C and Westy included. Ofcourse, you may disagree with them, or even me, but they did take the time to read your thread and post. They do care, otherwise they would not have commented.

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I'm with westernxer all the way. I think you're somewhat in denial about what happened and what it means. Here's the bottom line: if your girlfriend cheats on you, she doesn't care about you all that much. If she really cared about you, she would have stopped herself way before she had sex. She only regrets it because she feels guilty and she doesn't want to lose the security of your relationship.


I can't agree with aleatoryd in this case. I don't think cheating is a mistake. It's a manifestation of the lack of commitment the person has for the relationship. Mistakes are things like forgetting to call back because you got busy, saying something and having it come out badly, etc. Taking off your panties and letting a guy bang you till the break of dawn is no mistake. Mistakes happen over the course of an instant, not hours.

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Hello, I’m the girlfriend.

I’m sorry for the intrusion, but A—N (I think I’ll just write AN..) sent me the link to this thread, and seeing that more than one wise person took the time to write a comment, I’d like to share my side of the story, with hope it’ll shed some light on the events, and might produce some more accurate and to the point advice.

In advance I’d like to thank for every comment, even if I wouldn’t like AN to take their advice.


The first time was almost accidental. (Not to say that it was an accident.)

Y (a shortening for you-know-who?) and I know each other for six months or so. We met on some new site, on an excessive drinking community. It’s a humoristic community, of people who love drinking, we’re not alcoholics, and I don’t really drink that much. We became good friends quite fast, as it happens sometimes. He had a girlfriend. They got together a short while after we first met.

I have a certain problem, ever since my first serious relationship, which was with man 16 years older than I am. There’s a very certain type of men I’m very attracted to, with three main characteristics: old (older than I am), smoking (though I don’t really smoke) and a know-all. Y is obviously that type. AN is not that type, which doesn’t mean I don’t truly love him. A lot of people I know told me that they didn’t end up with the type they’re most attracted to, but with the person they love and that made them happy.

I’ve been having a kind of few rough months. When AN and I got together, I had some major changes going on in my life – I moved to the big city, rented a flat for the first time, started on a new job and of course – launched on a serious relationship (after about two years of being alone) with one of my best friends. A couple of months later – it seemed nothing change, I started feeling stuck. I don’t really like my job, I’m a creative person, and it’s not a very creative position, though it’s ok. The job, the city, the relationship and other things caused that I had hardly seen my friends, and I felt very lonely. I still do. At a certain point I realized that I’m not saving enough money to go on a trip abroad, and I decided to give it up, though I dreamt of it for a long time, and instead just try and save as much money as I can for collage. It wasn’t a hard decision to make, but realistic, yet it was extremely sad and frustrating.

AN and I hardly talked about these things, that were making my life quite unhappy. I don’t know why we didn’t talk. Some of the things I didn’t think he’ll understand, others I just didn’t tell, and he didn’t really insist.

I started being attracted to Y, and I felt very bad about it.

Then he broke up with his girlfriend.

A situation came, in which I told him how I felt (please note, that I was never in love with him or anything of that sort). He told me he was attracted to me too. Understand, I’m not used to that. I grew up feeling I’m extremely unattractive, and I still find it hard to believe there are people who actually want to have sex with me. We both thought, well, fine, we fancy each other, doesn’t mean we have to do anything about it, we’ll just keep on being friends as usual, but the next time we met, things just started happening.

We didn’t think it’ll happen again, but I felt uneasy. I thought of him, I wanted him, and I realized that the only way to stop this is to have sex with him. So I did.

I know it sounds like such twisted logic, but I still think it’s true.

It’s important for me to note, that he didn’t think it’s a good idea, but he wanted to help me. We never intended for it to become a full-scale romance or anything of that sort, and we both agreed we’d never do it again.

Also, he didn’t avoid AN on purpose, before we had sex, and he wasn’t some vulture, just waiting around for me to become morally weak \ breakup with AN.


In a perfect world, AN would never have known, I would have felt better and we would have lived happily ever after, but somehow things bubbled up.


I love AN deeply.

At the end of the day, he’s the only person I want to come home to. He’s the one I want to comfort me, the one I want to comfort. He’s the one I want to make love to, because I do love him.


As to seeing Y again; I know it’s only reasonable for AN to ask\demand that I’ll never see him again, but I hope he will not. In my current situation, Y is one of my closest friends and one of the few people I can maintain regular contact with. Cutting him off entirely (not referring to a short term break) will only cause me to be miserable.

There’s no point to staying together if AN wont trust me again. I’m not saying everything can be corrected in an instance, but at some point, he’ll have to trust me again, or ditch.

I can’t promise him that I’ll always love him; we’re both young and we change and I don’t expect him to promise me that either, but I can promise him this, that I will never lie to him again.

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AN, I will try to be supportive and I will not spout cliches about dumping cheaters. I do believe that relationships can be repaired after cheating. There is lots of good evidence showing that it is possible.


The factors that led to your gf having sex with Y can readily occur again unless you BOTH make some changes. An essential precondition to rebuilding trust is for her to go immediate NC (nno contact) with Y, now and forever. Since she met him in the setting of this club for people flirting with alcoholism, I would consider that another danger factor that she must also avoid for your relationship to have a chance.


I am sorry to say that your gf also sounds rather naive or perhaps disingenuous, in believing that Y selflessly gave of himself sexually to help her with her self-esteem issues. Her self-esteem issues are a problem, and you should help her deal with them. In a relationship, you should not get self-esteem boosts from sex with other people. Among many other reasons for this is that the very act that appears to boost one's own self-esteem devastates a loved partner.


Please read His Needs, Her Needs by Willard Harley about what makes people fall in love and stay in love. To build a strong relationship, you should have your recreation together. If you don't like to drink heavily in a "humoristic" manner, then you two need to find a new activity that you both enjoy, to replace this dangerous trap.


Your gf does not express any understanding of the pain she has caused you. She appears to be focussed on her own feelings and needs. That's OK with me, but it means that she is not ready to be a truly caring partner to you. If you stay in this r/s, you can expect more of the same. Not NECESSARILY cheating - although I would definitely keep her away from me who are older, know-it-all smokers - but more focus on her needs, less on yours.


Bottom line: Does she understand how much she has hurt you? Is she willing to change her behavior to avoid hurting you again? If so, there's hope.

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It looks at first sight like you're a pussy. Seriously you can't let a girl screw someone else then stay with her. At the very least, dump her for a while to let her know she can't just do anything and get away with it. But cmon, you're 22 why do you wanna settle down with any girl let alone a cheating slut?


"she said she was sorry and that it only made her realize how much she loved me... and I believe her"


You're being naive here. "Oh sorry honey, I'm not sure how much I love you - I just need to bounce up and down on another guy's schlong to find out"

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Bryanp and Art_Critic: remember that you don't know either of us. your judgement seems like an instinctive generallized shot from the hip.


Seems more like a judgement call based on experience, something you probably don't have much of at your age.


Don't ask for advice if you are going to denigrate when people tell you a few home truths. You don't need to know anything about someone to know that if they cheat twice on you, they don't respect you and aren't sincere about the relationship. That's just plain common sense.


Well you've obviously made up your mind anyway, you didn't want advice but rather for people to agree with what you are going to do already. It's your life, your heart, so do what you want. Just don't complain when it happens again.

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Z--B.... Everything in your post is about you. You're trying to justify cheating and there is never a justification for it. Bottom Line... You f---ked up and need to own your s***.


Then you wrote this....


In a perfect world, AN would never have known, I would have felt better and we would have lived happily ever after, but somehow things bubbled up.


Your idea of a perfect world is too cheat on your boyfriend and get away with it??? What he doesn't know won't hurt him right??? That statement makes me feel very, very sorry for A--N. Had you said your idea of a perfect world would have been not to cheat in the first place, I think I could almost encourage A--N to maybe work it out with you. As it stands however, my advice to A--N is to get out. I know it will be painful for him, but honestly, it would be in his best interest.

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Hello, I’m the girlfriend.

I’m sorry for the intrusion, but A—N (I think I’ll just write AN..) sent me the link to this thread, and seeing that more than one wise person took the time to write a comment, I’d like to share my side of the story, with hope it’ll shed some light on the events, and might produce some more accurate and to the point advice.

In advance I’d like to thank for every comment, even if I wouldn’t like AN to take their advice.


The first time was almost accidental. (Not to say that it was an accident.)

Y (a shortening for you-know-who?) and I know each other for six months or so. We met on some new site, on an excessive drinking community. It’s a humoristic community, of people who love drinking, we’re not alcoholics, and I don’t really drink that much. We became good friends quite fast, as it happens sometimes. He had a girlfriend. They got together a short while after we first met.

I have a certain problem, ever since my first serious relationship, which was with man 16 years older than I am. There’s a very certain type of men I’m very attracted to, with three main characteristics: old (older than I am), smoking (though I don’t really smoke) and a know-all. Y is obviously that type. AN is not that type, which doesn’t mean I don’t truly love him. A lot of people I know told me that they didn’t end up with the type they’re most attracted to, but with the person they love and that made them happy.

I’ve been having a kind of few rough months. When AN and I got together, I had some major changes going on in my life – I moved to the big city, rented a flat for the first time, started on a new job and of course – launched on a serious relationship (after about two years of being alone) with one of my best friends. A couple of months later – it seemed nothing change, I started feeling stuck. I don’t really like my job, I’m a creative person, and it’s not a very creative position, though it’s ok. The job, the city, the relationship and other things caused that I had hardly seen my friends, and I felt very lonely. I still do. At a certain point I realized that I’m not saving enough money to go on a trip abroad, and I decided to give it up, though I dreamt of it for a long time, and instead just try and save as much money as I can for collage. It wasn’t a hard decision to make, but realistic, yet it was extremely sad and frustrating.

AN and I hardly talked about these things, that were making my life quite unhappy. I don’t know why we didn’t talk. Some of the things I didn’t think he’ll understand, others I just didn’t tell, and he didn’t really insist.

I started being attracted to Y, and I felt very bad about it.

Then he broke up with his girlfriend.

A situation came, in which I told him how I felt (please note, that I was never in love with him or anything of that sort). He told me he was attracted to me too. Understand, I’m not used to that. I grew up feeling I’m extremely unattractive, and I still find it hard to believe there are people who actually want to have sex with me. We both thought, well, fine, we fancy each other, doesn’t mean we have to do anything about it, we’ll just keep on being friends as usual, but the next time we met, things just started happening.

We didn’t think it’ll happen again, but I felt uneasy. I thought of him, I wanted him, and I realized that the only way to stop this is to have sex with him. So I did.

I know it sounds like such twisted logic, but I still think it’s true.

It’s important for me to note, that he didn’t think it’s a good idea, but he wanted to help me. We never intended for it to become a full-scale romance or anything of that sort, and we both agreed we’d never do it again.

Also, he didn’t avoid AN on purpose, before we had sex, and he wasn’t some vulture, just waiting around for me to become morally weak \ breakup with AN.


In a perfect world, AN would never have known, I would have felt better and we would have lived happily ever after, but somehow things bubbled up.


I love AN deeply.

At the end of the day, he’s the only person I want to come home to. He’s the one I want to comfort me, the one I want to comfort. He’s the one I want to make love to, because I do love him.


As to seeing Y again; I know it’s only reasonable for AN to ask\demand that I’ll never see him again, but I hope he will not. In my current situation, Y is one of my closest friends and one of the few people I can maintain regular contact with. Cutting him off entirely (not referring to a short term break) will only cause me to be miserable.

There’s no point to staying together if AN wont trust me again. I’m not saying everything can be corrected in an instance, but at some point, he’ll have to trust me again, or ditch.

I can’t promise him that I’ll always love him; we’re both young and we change and I don’t expect him to promise me that either, but I can promise him this, that I will never lie to him again.


The first time was ALMOST an accident? In a perfect situation you would have kept your unfaithfulness a secret and try to live your life with him?


Wow, that is so selfish.


A--N, please leave her for your own sake.


she said she was sorry and that it only made her realize how much she loved me...


Worst excuse ever. How the hell can you have sex with someone else, than realize how much you love your true mate?


Oh, during sex they think for a moment.. Hmm " Well this feels great, but I still love him? Ohh it's starting to feel much better, I think I love him even more now?!"


Man, open your eyes.

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