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for guys, it's almost a must. I guess every guy can't tolerate loving a gal without having sex with her. No matter she is wife/gf/affair partner


for gals, what it means? Gals don't even have this need (even when she misses the guy so much?)


What do you think? Please tell me

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Girls enjoy sex just as much as guys. However, due to certain risks (pregnancy is a biggie!), they tend to be more rational about it ... they also like to make sure the guy will support them if they do get pregnant ... that sex isn't all he wants ... etc ... so just cuz of social/bio circustances, girls have to be more careful about it ...


that's my humble opinion :)

for guys, it's almost a must. I guess every guy can't tolerate loving a gal without having sex with her. No matter she is wife/gf/affair partner for gals, what it means? Gals don't even have this need (even when she misses the guy so much?) What do you think? Please tell me
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