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All he did/could was stare..............

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I was in love with a guyfriend a long time ago, but we broke up our friendship, we never had sex, the reason we went our seperate ways was because I guess I was to religious for him. I knew he was in love with me, but that was almost two years ago and I was 22 then and now 24. There is a lot to this story, and I don't want to bore everyone to sleep. Well anyways we would occasionally bump into each other throughout the year, either shopping at the store, we would keep our conversations short and then go our seperate ways. Well in Febuary he bumped into my sister and told her that he was joining the Marines, and he said that he knew I would worry about him, ect. So two weeks ago I ran into him at the store, we spoke shortly and he told me he was leaving in a Month, he asked what I was doing in College I told I was becoming a Christian Elementary Teacher, I also told I may move out the state, for some reason this broke his heart, and I saw his expression changed, yet he is going to the Marines for Eight years!! However the entire time he would not stop staring at me as if he was seeing me for the first time?? I mean even when we saw each other in the past, his stare was very different now?! Even when I would shop I would catch him watching me shop, his eyes just followed what I did. Even when he shopped, he just stared and he dropped a few things and even tripped, I was trying not to laugh. I guess I was making him nervous even though I was like 15 feet away. At our goodbye, again he just stared, and he told me to visit him again, yet I gave him my phone number anyways, but I kind of regret doing that. And I don't know why I have the feeling of regret, but I don't know why he kept starring, what was the point?? Anyone know why he kept staring? He is leaving in three weeks now, and even though I haven't spoken to him yet, I don't know if I want to see him again, maybe I am being selfish or I fear, I left our friendship in his hands, it's not in mine. I would love for our frienship to start again, but the pain from our past I think still haunts us.

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My guess... and it is a guess.


He made a decision to get away the typical "I'm going crazy so I'm going to get 10,000 miles away" action. Except part of him still hopes there could be a future between the two of you. So what he was making the illogical decision to spend 8 years away? 8 years to clear his head but a part of him maybe thought he'd get over you during that time or that things would be the same when he got back.


Seeing you probably brought back feelings for him. The fact is a part of him didn't think you'd move on. He certainly didn't think you'd be considering moving out of state. I guess to him it means you'll find someone else, another Christian, settle down, raise a family. It hit home hard in that instance - 8 years and there's little chance you'd wait for him or be there to "look up" when he gets back. Basically he just lost you again and know he knows for certainty in the core of his heart.


As a Christian myself I believe that when two people are going very different directions God is calling them to different ministries. If one follows the other then they (or even both of them) eventually lose out on what they could have done. A long distance relationship is a hard thing and 8 years would probably kill it. I don't know how you feel about this guy but unless you see him as the "one" for you I suggest you break off contact with him. You clearly still have his heart and it's not fair to either of you to keep it. And if you do love him he needs to get out of the marines. Anything you can add about how you feel about him or other stuff to bore us would help us offer better advice. Take care.

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I had the same sort of thing happen. I was dating someone, but he was NOT religous and I was very religous. So then it ended and I met someone and moved on. Then one day out of the blue I ran into him. He just kept looking at me???dont know why?? He then started to pry and acted like he wanted to get back together, he told my sister outright he knew he had made the mistake of his life. But I was engaged and I told him basically that it was long past over. Well my mom does his moms hair and now he is married and has a daughter. He has now become Religous and turned his life into a complete different direction. All I have to say is God has a plan....

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