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Finding out and getting even

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Here`s the story, I have been going out with a lady for about 8 mounths now, everything going really well up to about a month when her ex appears back on the scene. He is a married man and had been with her for over a year before.

Anyway I have found out that he has started to visit her again ( on lot more than one occasion)and probally call her too. She denies he calls when I confronted her and says my view of things are crazy.

Anyway how to I get rid of him?, I think I am going to get out of the relationship with her but I hate when something is done behind my back and I am told lies. I would like to get even so should I confont him? I know him and where he lives, Should I tell his wife what he is doing ?

Serious questions and none too palatable but i need some satisfaction in this

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