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a night down the pub is this right??

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suzie sweet

Ive been seperated for nearly a year now and my husband has our daughter overnight at his parents house where he is living, he has her 3 nights a week which has helped reduce his child support payments,she loves been there and very happy but my anger started last night when i felt a gut instinct,I rang him at his mams (i always ring his mobile) and my gut instinct was right he`d put my 3 yr old to bed and gone out to the pub with his dad.He thinks im over reacting,yes his mam is a great person but the principle of the matter is my daughter is there to have contact with him but he`d rather go the pub, i could of had the pleasure of having her myself,and not only that he shares the same room and bed so fumigating the air with alcohol and wind i was not happy about at all.Ive told him its not to happen again and i shall start ringing and checking at various times when he has her and if he does it again all contact will be stopped, his reply been well tuff if i want to go out and leave her with my mam i will.PLEASE ALL MOTHERS HOW WOULD YOU FEEL?? AM i over reacting or in the right to think whilst he is having contact it should not be broken for a night down the pub with his dad.

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I guess I don't see the problem. The kid is asleep, and there is an adult there to watch her. Since when did having kids mean you are never ever allowed to go out again

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suzie sweet

suppose it depends on what type of mother each individual is, you see i have never ever left my daughter with any other than myself and my husband

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But thats your choice not to have a life outside of your daughter. He choose to go out that night, and its not like he left her alone or with a stranger, but his own mom.

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Think what he is doing is none of your concern. Who are you to say he can't go down the pub on his nights once his daughter is sleeping? Think you have a real problem and guess it is not to do with your daughter at all, more likely it is because you think he will meet a woman in a pub.

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suzie sweet

you obviously dont have children or are the type of mother who dosnt care about her kids as long as you have a break from them,My issue is not with him, i wouldnt of broken my marrage up if i loved him 100 %, my life has moved on ive met someone else and im very happy, but thank you for your post.(you do seem to know an awfull lot)?????????????? maybe thats how u felt with a previous partner.

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I'm a mom of a 6 y.o. daughter and sole caretaker of her and about to go through divorce (in seperation but still living in the same house). I feel if I were in the situation and there must be more to it then him going to the pub with his father. If he is staggering home, so drunk he's going into the wrong house or risking a D.U.I? Yes, I would have a strong problem with it no matter who the capable party is with my daughter. For one or two beers on occasion and certainly not every night she's there...sleeping or not. He should know enough to not drink so much that he wouldn't be available to his daughter's needs should she need him in the middle of the night.

Is there more to it then him going to the pub while your daughter is asleep?

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Mistaken Identity

Is he in the habit of going to the pub with his dad? Or was this a rare opportunity for the two of them to go out together?


Was there a specific reason they went to the pub on the same night that your daughter was staying over?


Was it late enough for your daughter to be in bed?


Would you ever go to the pub and leave your daughter with your parents?

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Suzie Sweet,


You've been apart for what a year?, BTW I do have kids and I do have a life and I do care for my kids. Your daughter is being looked after by her grandmother while dad is out with his own father? You;re daughter is not being abandoned left to her own protection, your daughter is in a comfortable bed and I would gather not going there hungry or is being looked after. You have absolutely no reason to complain in the least. I understand it's a tough situation being apart I'm there, but come on, if you;re looking for some reason to get full custody so you get more support you're definitely going to have to find some other excuse.

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