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not fair


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one who is from rich or educated family always has better future than poor family in most case. Life is much easier for those rich kids. Study oversea, never worry the tuition free of master course, play lots of activites. They live much happier and easier. For poor kids, whatever they move on they have to consider many things, like support parents, fear of unemployed...unfair

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who said anything is supposed to be fair??

one who is from rich or educated family always has better future than poor family in most case. Life is much easier for those rich kids. Study oversea, never worry the tuition free of master course, play lots of activites. They live much happier and easier. For poor kids, whatever they move on they have to consider many things, like support parents, fear of unemployed...unfair
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poor kids have it good too; they get welfare checks, a free colege education, free meds and all the food they want to eat. And when they become teenagers they get pregnant go on medicaid and sit around the apartment watching jerry Springer feeling sorry for themselves while us "rich folks" are out earning a living and paying for their bills! Have you ever heard of taxes? Do you know how much I pay every year, while juggling three kids and working full time so I can be home with them? No I din't take the free ride, my husband and I both pay our own way. And I was poor too when I was a kid. It sucks yes, but if you work hard your kids won't have to know what that feels like!

one who is from rich or educated family always has better future than poor family in most case. Life is much easier for those rich kids. Study oversea, never worry the tuition free of master course, play lots of activites. They live much happier and easier. For poor kids, whatever they move on they have to consider many things, like support parents, fear of unemployed...unfair
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You make welfare sound like an absolute picnic. I don't think that's a very accurate picture.


Sure, there may be those who abuse welfare, but there are many more who don't. You're making welfare recipients out to be a bunch of lazy freeloaders. You're painting them all with the same brush.


Since when did "kids" get welfare checks? The checks don't go to them, they go to their parents. Since when does welfare pay for a college education? All the food they want to eat? Yeah, I'm sure they're dining at the finest restaurants each night (not).


It's pretty darn obvious that you think you're "better" than those who are on welfare. Why is that? If not for the grace of God, that could just as easily be you on welfare. Not everyone has a husband (second income in the home).....not all Mothers have moral, honorable husbands who help support their families.


What the hell do you expect a Mom to do if she has 3 kids and her deadbeat husband/father of her children walks out?...how do you expect her to pay for childcare and rent and food and utilities when she's lucky if she can find a job that makes minimum wage? Have you ever had to support 3 children on minimum wage? Somehow I doubt it.


I think your statements are rude, inflammatory and extremely discriminatory.....and full of narrowminded and jealous generalizations and stereotypes. Shame on you!




poor kids have it good too; they get welfare checks, a free colege education, free meds and all the food they want to eat. And when they become teenagers they get pregnant go on medicaid and sit around the apartment watching jerry Springer feeling sorry for themselves while us "rich folks" are out earning a living and paying for their bills! Have you ever heard of taxes? Do you know how much I pay every year, while juggling three kids and working full time so I can be home with them? No I din't take the free ride, my husband and I both pay our own way. And I was poor too when I was a kid. It sucks yes, but if you work hard your kids won't have to know what that feels like!
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LIFE...isn't fair. No one promised us it would ever be. We take what's given us and do with it the best we can. I've seen poor kids take advantage of free education, of scholorships, and make it out of getto. And spoiled rich kids (without any sense of what *real world* is like) blow their money and oppurtunity on drugs...my daughter being one of them. Advantaged kids often have a harder time dealing with failers and the blunt reality of the *real world* than disadvantaged kids. They have a harder time dealing with "no"...and "you have to work for it"...than then their peers. They are often the ones, at 30-years-old, still living with their parents who they have become financially dependant on. At times, they are often lazier, less appreciatative, and less willing to apply effort as those who have had to WORK for what they have.


Doesn't matter who you are or where you came from. We all have the same oppurtunity in this country to become what we choose to be so long as we set our goals and STICK TO THEM. The loosers are those who use thier upbringing and background as an excuse for their own failures and shortcomings.


Don't be jealous of those who *have*...for they are often as challenged as those *have-not*. It all looks pretty when you are standing on the outside looking in. But in reality, the TRUTH goes far beyond that that meets the eye...

one who is from rich or educated family always has better future than poor family in most case. Life is much easier for those rich kids. Study oversea, never worry the tuition free of master course, play lots of activites. They live much happier and easier. For poor kids, whatever they move on they have to consider many things, like support parents, fear of unemployed...unfair
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Lauryn in my profession I see this every day. I see young girls who have four children with different last names strung out from being at the bar all night wearing more gold and better shoes than I am. I see married couples who are the same age as I am cheating the system, claiming welfare so their kids can go to free daycare and they can go to college and make more money than I am. And yes their income tax return is greater than mine! but unlike them, I worked all year. I see food stamps being traded for cigarettes. And these same people later get arrested for shoplifting. (yes it's true) there is a lot of freebie scumbags that are abusing the laws in this country. There are also a lot of citizens who do he right thing. I don't think my post was rude. It was honest. Maybe if you took a look around you would see it too.

You make welfare sound like an absolute picnic. I don't think that's a very accurate picture.


Sure, there may be those who abuse welfare, but there are many more who don't. You're making welfare recipients out to be a bunch of lazy freeloaders. You're painting them all with the same brush.


Since when did "kids" get welfare checks? The checks don't go to them, they go to their parents. Since when does welfare pay for a college education? All the food they want to eat? Yeah, I'm sure they're dining at the finest restaurants each night (not). It's pretty darn obvious that you think you're "better" than those who are on welfare. Why is that? If not for the grace of God, that could just as easily be you on welfare. Not everyone has a husband (second income in the home).....not all Mothers have moral, honorable husbands who help support their families. What the hell do you expect a Mom to do if she has 3 kids and her deadbeat husband/father of her children walks out?...how do you expect her to pay for childcare and rent and food and utilities when she's lucky if she can find a job that makes minimum wage? Have you ever had to support 3 children on minimum wage? Somehow I doubt it. I think your statements are rude, inflammatory and extremely discriminatory.....and full of narrowminded and jealous generalizations and stereotypes. Shame on you! L

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I don't doubt that there are people out there, like you describe, who abuse the welfare system.......but I didn't see you make any kind of distinction that not EVERYONE out there on welfare is like this.


There are good, hard-working, decent people out there who've fallen on hard times (laid off, can't find a job and are honestly looking, single moms who've left abusive husbands who have never worked before/have 3 kids to support)...and use welfare as a temporary solution until they can get back on their feet again and be self sufficient. I think these people are very embarassed about having to go on welfare, they feel guilty and it's a real blow to their self esteem.


Sometimes life is just really tough and people need a little bit of help along the way. And no, I've never been on welfare myself, I've always been very self sufficient and I've paid more than my fair share of taxes.



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Of course, I agree. Thats is why the government made welfare available to those who truly need it. No I have never been on welfare either and I would not criticize anyone who was benefiting from it when they needed to. What I was attempting to get across to the poster here, was that maybe he should be looking at life from another angle. And the man who responded about the wealthy kids not having an appreciation for money was right on the mark. I agree with what he said also. BUT crying about what is not fair will get you absolutley nowhere. Stuck. Lost. Indecisive. Maybe getting another angry isn't harmful if it provides a positive motivation. That is what I was trying to do here. I don't doubt that there are people out there, like you describe, who abuse the welfare system.......but I didn't see you make any kind of distinction that not EVERYONE out there on welfare is like this. There are good, hard-working, decent people out there who've fallen on hard times (laid off, can't find a job and are honestly looking, single moms who've left abusive husbands who have never worked before/have 3 kids to support)...and use welfare as a temporary solution until they can get back on their feet again and be self sufficient. I think these people are very embarassed about having to go on welfare, they feel guilty and it's a real blow to their self esteem. Sometimes life is just really tough and people need a little bit of help along the way. And no, I've never been on welfare myself, I've always been very self sufficient and I've paid more than my fair share of taxes. L
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