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different beliefs


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Last night I had a great conversation with my b/f of three years. Over the past few weeks, I have begun attending Church and I am starting to explore religion and spirituality and what it means to me. We were discussing this and I was learning more about his views and thoughts on it. We have very different ideas about religion. He prefers to "know that he doesn't know" and he doesn't have any intentions of trying to seek out answers to why he exists and the lessons he is here to learn. I believe that all people are evolving souls and as humans we are here to learn important lessons. Needless to say, I am heading down a new path in my life, one in which I am seeking my spirituality and trying to discover just what that means to me.


I had always imagined that my life partner would be someone who shared similar beliefs about religion. It is very obvious that we do not. For now it is fine, but I am just thinking of the future and if it will become a problem later. I know that it is important to have different interests within a couple, but can it also work to have different beliefs such as these?

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