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i think my boyfriend is going to cheat on me...

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my boyfriend stefan and i have been together for almost 3 years. he cheated on me once about a year and a half ago. swore he'd neer do it. since then, i have been checking his email occasionally to make sure he's not doing it again.

about a month ago i found out he had registered for a website called adultfriendfinder, and that last night he posted a topic in a group asking if anyone was up for a gangbang.

my question is, should i approach him about it? or should i just wait and see where it goes?

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And you're still with him why? Hoping things will change? I'm sorry this is happening, You already saw where he signed up to this site, so you could do several things I suposse. Put a keylogger on the PC you'll get your proof as far as calling him out on it. Don't call him out on it, and see where it goes. See if he actaully meets up with these people etc. Come up with a user name of your own, join the same site he is on. Tell him you want to meet up with him and where. Bust him like that. Just a thought. Break up with him, hes a cheater.





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why not just dump him and find someone thats not a cheater in the first place?

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And you're still with him why? Hoping things will change? I'm sorry this is happening, You already saw where he signed up to this site, so you could do several things I suposse. Put a keylogger on the PC you'll get your proof as far as calling him out on it. Don't call him out on it, and see where it goes. See if he actaully meets up with these people etc. Come up with a user name of your own, join the same site he is on. Tell him you want to meet up with him and where. Bust him like that. Just a thought. Break up with him, hes a cheater.







i don't know what to do. i guess i'll just take some time to think about it.

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If you wait and see where it goes, it could very well 'go' to you getting an STD... The guy's looking for gang bangs, there's no innocent explanation for that. But if you ask him about it now, I'm sure he'll come up with some BS to it sound innocent.

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Are you for real? You found out what he's been up to and you wanna wait and see? People don't go on adultfinder sites to just browse for fun. Get your head out of the sand and see the full picture.


BREAK UP with him and find a guy who will treat you better.

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When your boyfriend advertises on the net to participate in a gangbang, I think it's a fairly safe bet that he doesn't intend staying faithful to you.

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he cheated on me once about a year and a half ago. swore he'd neer do it. since then, i have been checking his email occasionally to make sure he's not doing it again.


Forget the whole website thing. I think what you wrote above is enough to get out of the relationship. What kind of a relationship involves constantly checking your SO's e-mail to make sure they're not cheating on you? A lame one, that's what kind. Get out now.

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I'm sure when you ask him about the Internet stuff, he'll tell you it was "just a joke" and he'd "never ever do that".


Don't believe him.

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Bust him, thats a nice idea. Make it a fun project with friends. Set up a gangbang, and laugh at him with your friends. For example, invite him to a gangbang in the neighbourhood. When he's waiting there, and you show up with three of your friends, and you dump him, in front of them. He deserves it ;) MUWAHAHAHa!

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Bust him, thats a nice idea. Make it a fun project with friends. Set up a gangbang, and laugh at him with your friends. For example, invite him to a gangbang in the neighbourhood. When he's waiting there, and you show up with three of your friends, and you dump him, in front of them. He deserves it ;) MUWAHAHAHa!


Don't forget to film his reaction on your cameraphone, then post it up on the internet and give the link to his friends, family, and of course us here at Loveshack so we can have a good laugh at him getting totally busted!

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sign up at a health site, make sure he accidently finds your online name and reads your posts about how you have contracted a really nastry STD and don't know if you should tell your boyfriend. Ask questions like "can I give him HIV if I give him oral and don't swallow?"


leave a pamphlet from planned parenthood laying around too.


Let him sweat.

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Hey, I think that you should confront him about it. Because just doing that is uneceptable. If he cheated on you once he will eventually do it again.The best thing for you to do is to break up with him.Show him that you are not putting up with his s*** anymore. Don't call him or anythin. (f he starts calling you begging for forgiveness don't do it.Give him some time to figure his priorities, if he really loves you he'll realiz4e how much he misses you and all of the stupid s*** he's been doing. If he doesn't then move on girl there are so many men out there worth while that will love you and not want to be with any other woman.He's disrecpecting you by doing this and he knows it.Put a stop to it or you will end up geting very hurt!!

good luck!!

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I know exactly what your going through. I am having the same problem with my fiance. It has led me to constantly check his messages and email. Every once in a while I find something new and when I confront him about it, he lies to me. I know he's lying Im not stupid an email doesn't just appear out of nowhere somebody had to send it. Anyway he has never changed his passwords, sometimes I wonder if he is trying to get caught, but I mostly beleive that he is doing it to test my trust. If I were you I would confront him about, if you don't it will eat you up inside. I have even went as far as making up a fake email and chatting with him but he caught me. He has tendancies to join match.com or yahoo personals. I think it is just the option of knowing your still attractive to somebody else.

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This is sooooo bad!!!! People don't sign up to aff for no reason. People who are on adult friend finder are after no strings attached sex!!!!! Simple!!!!!!! Don't be stupid and think that he will only be on there looking, he won't. He will be looking sex, sex, and then he will be looking sex and then some more sex!!!!!! Forget about him!!!!!! I know that you have been with him a long time, but what about in another 3 years time?? And he will still be contacting people on the net looking for sex????!!! You don't need to do this to yourself.

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