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a lot of you seem to imply that ...

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love implies monogamy


u often say: he cheated on u, no way in hell he loves u


did i misunderstand?


if that is what u mean indeed, i disagree. but i want to make sure i understood correctly first ...

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I guess it all depends on what your definition of "love" and "relationship" is. The vast majority of people, in North America at least, equate "love" in a relationship with monogamy, yes that's true.


Unless there's some prior, mutual agreement between people in a relationship that it's acceptable to have sex outside of the relationship (open relationship), then to behave this way goes against the basic foundation of the relationship: love, respect, trust, honor, loyalty. You don't agree?


If monogamy had nothing to do with love, and having sex outside of the relationship with others was acceptable, then the word "cheating" would never have been invented...it wouldn't even be an issue.


If you're in an exclusive relationship with someone, and you find out they are screwing around on you, how can that person who's screwing around be showing love to their partner? Don't most people who screw around do it in a sneaky fashion...telling lies, and trying not to get caught? That being the case, then how is lying to your partner and deceiving them, love? Since when is love synonymous with lies, betrayal, deceit, disloyality?




love implies monogamy u often say: he cheated on u, no way in hell he loves u did i misunderstand? if that is what u mean indeed, i disagree. but i want to make sure i understood correctly first ...
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So what exactly do *you* imply? That there should be a separation between love and sex? True, there can be sex without love...but can there really be *romantic* love without sex? Could you be in a committed relationship or marriage with someone you love without the physical connection? Would you not be the least bit bothered if the person you were deeply in love with was having sex with someone else, even if he/she claimed..."it was just for the sex?" Or are you saying that everyone is intitled to an indescretion? If so, how many times do you turn your head...how long do you live in denial...before finding the courage to face the truth???


love implies monogamy u often say: he cheated on u, no way in hell he loves u did i misunderstand? if that is what u mean indeed, i disagree. but i want to make sure i understood correctly first ...
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You wrote:


"u often say: he cheated on u, no way in hell he loves u"


If someone in a relationship behaves in such a way that they know in advance that their actions are going to hurt their partner (like cheating), then that's anything but love. I have a really hard time imagining any rationale, feeling human being out there who doesn't realize in advance that if they cheat on their partner, it's going to hurt their partner.


Love is not about doing things that will hurt your partner or your relationship. Cheating is hurtful.

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Love has nothing to do with monogamy. Where did you get that notion?


Committed romantic love has to do with monogamy. Get your varieties of love straight.

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