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Passed over for a bitch

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I have been dating this guy for 6 months and he just called me to tell me that he and another girl(I'll call her M) are officially committed to each other and we won't be dating anymore. I know M and she's the biggest bitch in the world. Why do guys like bitches?


When we were first started dating, M was out of the picture but later on i found out that they got together for a movie and suddenly he spent less and less time with me. I have been his shoulder to cry on everytime M gives him the silent treatment or when he complains that her phone is off and he doesn't know where she is on saturday night or some other thing. Why do men go for girls who treat them badly?

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FIRST, YOU ASKED: "Why do men go for girls who treat them badly?"


THEN, YOU ANSWERED YOUR OWN QUESTION: "I have been his shoulder to cry on everytime M gives him the silent treatment or when he complains that her phone is off and he doesn't know where she is on saturday night or some other thing."


Men don't date "shoulders to cry on," they date women they can have fun with and love. If you are so nice as to listen to a man cry about some other woman when he's supposed to be with you, you can forget about any romance there.


The next time a man starts crying about how some other woman did him, tell him to go see a psychologist or you can plan to be his free one because you'll get nowhere with him in a romantic sense.


You are obviously a nice lady and you can remain that way but the art of being nice has boundaries and you let this guy overstep the boundaries you should have set for the relationship.


Better luck next time. Meanwhile, please remember, don't date men who have just gotten out of relationships. And don't let men spill their problems all over you. If you do, that's all they'll have you for.

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