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I went to a fortune teller yesterday and asked for soul mate and suprisingly, he could tell everything exactly happened while i didn't say a single word. He said my bf( actually my ex now) will come back, and the relationshp is just because some 3rd party person play some tricks now, he said i shouldn't give up. but i'm really tired of jealousy and dwell the relationship with him. and seems like it's very hard for us to get back together now...should i wait? or should i give up?

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Well, if the fortune teller said it WILL happen, u have two options:


believe her - then whether or not u 'give up', it'll happen, sooner or later


send her to hell - and base your decisions on your own mind, not someone else's ability to guess people's problems...


Just my humble opinion!

I went to a fortune teller yesterday and asked for soul mate and suprisingly, he could tell everything exactly happened while i didn't say a single word. He said my bf( actually my ex now) will come back, and the relationshp is just because some 3rd party person play some tricks now, he said i shouldn't give up. but i'm really tired of jealousy and dwell the relationship with him. and seems like it's very hard for us to get back together now...should i wait? or should i give up?
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been there, done that! The everlasting question: Are we done yet?.


You'll never know the answer, it's whatever it is. Let it go for now. If it's meant to be like the fortune teller told you then go with your feelings and let sleeping dogs lie. Don't think about it now. If and when the situation presents itself, then worry about it when it happens. Now is not the time to be "saving" yourself for your ex or waiting on him. If you do this you'll be altering the situation because you're not freeing yourself up to meet new people. And trust me, you do want to meet some new people. I think you should take the fortune teller's reading with a grain of salt and let the whole thing go. If he's really meant to come back and the relationship is meant to work out then it will happen but you can't sit around waiting for it to. Don't give it another thought. Try to move on with your life in the state that things are now, that means with him not in the picture.


If you don't then you'll miss out on a lot of new experiences, don't waste another minute worrying about it. Let it be. Go on with your life and try to continue the process of getting over him.


Hope that helps@



I went to a fortune teller yesterday and asked for soul mate and suprisingly, he could tell everything exactly happened while i didn't say a single word. He said my bf( actually my ex now) will come back, and the relationshp is just because some 3rd party person play some tricks now, he said i shouldn't give up. but i'm really tired of jealousy and dwell the relationship with him. and seems like it's very hard for us to get back together now...should i wait? or should i give up?
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