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Where's the Sex?

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Ok, so I've recently started a new relationship that has more potential than any other I've ever been in. We've only been dating for about a month now, and I truly want to nurture this one (as does he as well). I have a strong feeling that this is "the one," but I'm not sure when it would be a good idea to introduce sex. I'm asking on behalf of the relationship, so please do not give me relgiously oriented advice. We already know we are sexually compatible, so that's not of concern. I want to bring the relationship to fruition before we consummate it. What are some good rules of thumb for when a potentially long term relationship should incorporate sex??

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Sex will come naturally, its never to early or too late...But don't forget to stop by each of the bases before you run for home. You can either talk about it, or just be prepaired for it to come up on its own in the moment. Either way just be sure you have taken all the precautions for safe sex.

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Yep, don't put any predefined limits on yourself where this is concerned... there is NO right period of time to wait.


It's right to proceed when you both feel comfortable and happy to do so. As visotech says, it should just happen naturally. :)


Have you discussed it with him? This would be the best way forward.

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