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with bus boy!

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I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago, and just yesterday I had a strange encounter with a guy that I am not officially "friends" with as we share no part of our lives together yet - we only ever see each other on the bus or at friends' things!


We have many mutual friends - I think i know him through three of my friends, independent of each other. He has come to a number of parties/gatherings that I have been at in the past.


Just recently I moved to the suburb next to his. Since then, I have seen him three times. Once at my housemate's sister's party and then twice on the bus.


After the party he dropped my housemate and me home, which was cool. He's a really funny guy and we had a few laughs on the way.


Then a few weeks later I saw him on the bus. We sat next to eachother and had a good chat. He remembered all this stuff about me that we'd talked about at the party, and seemed to be quite flirty, but I figured that was just his personality. Also, I was in the process of breaking up with my boyfriend at the time and so didn't think much more of it.


As I said, we don't do anything together (work/uni/church/sport etc), we don't have eachother's numbers or emails or anything, we just know eachother indirectly through mutual friends.


Anyway, yesterday he was on my bus again. Again we sat next to eachother and had a good chat. He again remembered much about me, and asked about how i was going. We laughed a lot and he was seeming flirty again. Anyway, as I was convinced it was just his personality (everyone who knows him seems to agree that he comes across this way), I didn't think anything of it..


that was, until it was his turn to get off the bus and he just randomly said: "What's your email address? Do you mind if i give you mine?" and then we attempted to remember each other's email addresses in the 2 seconds before he got off the bus. Then he said "Oh well, one of us will remember eachother's address hopefully." I said, "See you around," and he said "Maybe on the bus?" with a cheeky grin.


When i got home about an hour later I sent him an email saying "!" - nothing, just the exclamation mark - It was just to exchange email addresses basically.


I'm now wondering if I should've waited and not appeared so eager. The other thing is he hasn't replied. Now i may have misspelt his email address (likely, though I'm pretty sure I got it right), he may not have accessed his work email address today (i don't know if he works full time or part time) or any other random reason. BUT:


What would you make of the situation? What does it mean these days if someone asks for your email address without stating a purpose?! And should I have waited for him to email me?


I'm not sure if he's aware I had a boyfriend and/or that we've broken up. He's vaguely friends with my ex (same general circle of friends), but not enough to know the details of his life, so i'm not sure.

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