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My b/f's friend sent him a pic through his cell but it did not work because the pic was from the internet. My b/f kept the address in his phone for months and now that he got a lap top--i saw that he was trying to look it up. Its basically a hot picture of a girl and not a porn site with various woman. When I saw that--i was really offended. I do think its natural for guys and even women to look at porn and i think everyone will do it no matter what they say. What bothers me is--why does he keep trying just to look at this one picture. It didnt work the first time or the second time but yet he is still trying. To me--it makes it seem like this girl is really worthwhile to view and i see it as disrespectful and hurtful to me. Am i over reacting? Or should i just conclude this situation as him being really curious over what this girl looks like? I even asked him--its weird that you keep trying to look at it and he said he is more mad at the fact that it is not working and thats why he kept doing it. I said that answer is total BS and your orginal intent and your current intent is to just look at this girl. What do i do with this problem?

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To me it just sounds like he wants to see why his friend sent him this picture in the first place, and it not working makes him only want it to get it to work even more.

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Be honest with yourself... you don't like him looking at porn.


His answer wasn't "total BS".... it makes perfect sense. You just need to be a little less insecure.

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