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Does he still want me

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I am almost 7 months pregnant, my boyfriend and I had the most amazing relationship until recently. All of a sudden he has nothing to do with me, he doesn't want to make love, touch me, I even told him that I was unhappy and got the vibe from him that he is not attracted to me anymore and wants nothing to do with me, he just said "You know I love you" and rolled over and went to sleep. I have never felt so alone and unwanted, could he be unattracted to me right now, or could there be somebody else in the picture??????

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I, too, am almost 7 months pregnant...and all of a sudden my boyfriend doesnt want to be intimate with me...or touch me.....but I have seen on the computer where is seems to be very interested in porn....naked girls he doesnt even know. I am a model...and since I have been pregnant..I have done zero photoshoots or anything......I feel soo fat and alone, and depressed and I know he is not cheating on me....I know for a fact...Trust me...Ive done all the checking up that one could do....butI still find myself overly paranoid that he is. I see him checking girls out when we go out..and I just get sick inside. Right now, I have to be sooo careful to take all my vitamins and drink plenty because I cant even eat....I just dont feel pretty at all anymore......So, dont feel alone in this struggle, bc let me tell you, I am going through the same exact thing.

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