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I am seeing someone now for about 2 months and things have been going pretty well for us both. We both enjoy each other's company, love talking with each other. Neither one of us was looking for a serious relationship because he just got out of a 4 year relationship 4 months ago and I lost my husband a year ago, but it just happened. We are together every day. He knows my two girls and he doesn't have any kids, well for now.


I say well for now cause a week ago he told his ex that he has a new girlfriend and she congratulated him and everything. Well this past Friday she called him and told him that she was pregnant. He asked her was it his being that they haven't been together in a while. He said she started crying and hung up. He doesn't know how far she is. He calls her and she doesn't return his calls.


Now I am left in the middle I feel like. My concern is because he is who he is, he would never leave his pregnant girlfriend to have a baby and be pregnant alone. He says he doesn't want to be with her, but wants to support her. Well hello I have two kids and of course I expect him to be there to support her. I could never get upset over that. What scares me is that she would use him and take advantage of the situation knowing how he is. She would try to use him more than she needs to and I would be left alone and jealous.


Some parts of me tells me to let the relationship go. I told him that I don't want to be stressed and I don't want him to be stressed so it's easier if we separate. He is not making it easy for me cause he makes it loud and clear that he doesn't want his ex, he wants to be with me, but he wants to support her cause she is pregnant.


I have a problem that once his mother finds out that she would push him getting back with his ex. Even though he is his own man and he makes that clear, I don't like not having a relationship with my man's family. I am not use to that. My family welcomes any man in my life and I expect my man's family to do the same.


What would you do? Or what are your thoughts about this?

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