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LADIES only!!!!


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I would disagree. I'm not materialistic or picky, in fact...I have a lot of trouble meeting guys that I like and that like me. Guys let their egos take over and get an idea into their heads that they have to always be searching for someone prettier, or more worth their time. I know guys tote the old saying "Nice guys finish last" all over, but what about the nice girls? We get left in the dust for girls that are prettier, more mysterious, and in a lot of cases, just plain bitchier. What then?


Girls are getting more and more materialistic and picky, no wonder lots of guys go to look their soulmate. Any comment from ladies??
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Quite frankly, I could easily say the same thing for men. It does go both ways to different extents. I have met tons of men who are not only picky, but treat their cars like it's their most prized posession. And who knows, may be it is. In a way you could look at it as insecurity. May be the reason why they are picky is because they've been hurt in past relationships and are looking for someone who doesn't resemble someone like their ex's.


A lot of ladies too are searching for soulmates, but you don't know if it is your soulmate until you've given them a chance.

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