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Hello, I am new and wanted to start by saying Hello and just jumping right into a situation that I would like to know what you guys think:


I have been with this guy for about 2 months now. We both did not want a relationship just someone to hang out with because he is just getting out of a 4 year relationship and I lost my husband a year ago. But things just grew so fast, we talk about everything, he likes my kids, we see each other every day, we have a good friendship as well as relationship.


Well he just about a week ago told his ex that he has a new girlfriend, they broke up a while ago, but really stopped being together about 4 months ago. Well she congratulated him, wanted some information about me, but of course he didn't tell her anything. Well this weekend she called him to tell him that she was pregnant and when he asked her whose is it, she said his. Well that would mean she is like 4 months pregnant. He said she got upset when he asked her whose is it, being that she has messed with another guy during their separation. He said she started crying and hung up and he haven't heard from her since. He calls and she doesn't answer. Who would do that?


My dilemma, I don't want to be stressed by this and I don't want him to feel like he is stuck between two women. Now I know when I was pregnant I wanted a lot of attention from my husband, so much that I worked his nerves, lol! I expect that from pregnant women and I expect him to support her. But for some reason I think she would try and take advantage of it, calling him for everything and every moment. Him being him he would let her and do what she wants which would bother me. I don't want to be part of that, but I do want to be with him.


He and I discussed it and he assured me that he wants to be with me, but will support his ex, but of course, I expect that. Because he has been practically staying with me, I asked him that he get his stuff out of my house and bring it to his house and that we not be together. I didn't do it in a harsh way because he never did anything to me. I just know that I can be jealous and that this could possibly cause a strain on our friendship/relationship. Not only that when his mom finds out she is going to want him to get back with his ex even though it's his decision. I am a very family oriented person, my family respects the man I am with and we just have a great time, I can't imagine my man's family not respecting me or liking me for that matter.


My husband's family is my family still. We may not always get along but we still have a good relationship.


He is making it hard for me to let it go cause he doesn't want to. I don't want to but I don't want to be hurt or stress him out later on.


What do you think?

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I would be suspicious, because she would have known at least 2months ago that she was pregnant, before he started seeing you -- so why didn't she say anything, then?


But it sounds like you made a mature decision and separated yourself from a lot of potential drama and headaches.

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wow what a mess huh?


Well until you find out if the child is really his not a whole lot can be done. My guess she is making it up.


Any proof at all that she is indeed even pregnant?

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because he didn't believe her, she said he could go to the doctors with her. But he has been trying to get in contact with her and have not heard from her since.


If she is pregnant I hope he actually finds out how far along she is. I told him to go to her house unexpectantly ask her to go to Urgent Care so he can get some kind of confirmation. He doesn't want to go through that, oh please.

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