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Hello all,


I really would like your input if you have experienced the same senerio as I have.


I was dating a girl for a couple months and things were going extremely well. I obviously wanted to know if there was something more to our relationship however the answer I got was that we are friends. Ouch! That really hurt. Few months later we continue to be close friends.


If the above is applicable to you, have you been able to find love again after things were declared as friends?


Do you think she still may have romantic feelings towards me?


I am going out for dinner with the same girl for the first time after we have decided that we are friends. Should I pay just like every other time we went out for dinner, pay 50/50 or let her pay if she offers?


Thank you all. Your input is so valuable to me.

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Hmm, this is weird ... If you were 'friends', why were u paying for dinners? If you're 'friends' now, why are you going out for a dinner alone? (thats normally considered a date) ...


Something's fishy here! Is she using you? Afraid to start a relationship? If I were you, i'd have another talk with her & ask where exactly she stands ...


Good luck!

Hello all, I really would like your input if you have experienced the same senerio as I have. I was dating a girl for a couple months and things were going extremely well. I obviously wanted to know if there was something more to our relationship however the answer I got was that we are friends. Ouch! That really hurt. Few months later we continue to be close friends.


If the above is applicable to you, have you been able to find love again after things were declared as friends? Do you think she still may have romantic feelings towards me? I am going out for dinner with the same girl for the first time after we have decided that we are friends. Should I pay just like every other time we went out for dinner, pay 50/50 or let her pay if she offers? Thank you all. Your input is so valuable to me.

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Do you think she still may have romantic feelings towards me?

Possibly, yes. But don't count on it. And even if she does, the fact that she's unwilling to act on them indicates that she's not relationship material. People who blow hot and cold and are coyly uncommunicative about their intentions tend to have problems being in a relationship.

I am going out for dinner with the same girl for the first time after we have decided that we are friends. Should I pay just like every other time we went out for dinner, pay 50/50 or let her pay if she offers?

I'd go 50/50. You two are friends, that's it. You have no obligation, in fact no REASON to pay for her. Her last direct message to you about your relationship is that the two of you are just friends. Don't operate on assumptions (like, "I assume since she let me pay for dinner that she's leaning toward a romantic relationship with me) and don't rely on what you're picking up from her demeanor, unspoken emotions, etc. If she wants more than friendship she needs to step up and say so. If she can't take responsibility for her feelings and what she wants, she'd never be able to be an emotionally responsible girlfriend.


It kind of sounds like she's playing games with you, whether consciously or unconsciously. Be careful!

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I have a lot of guy friends, and I often go out with them one on one. It's not a date. It's just two friends hanging out, just like I do with my girlfriends, whether we are at breakfast, lunch, happy hour, or dinner. Split the bill 50/50. That's the way it works with friends. Pretend you are out with one of your guy friends. Don't let this chick take advantage of you. When the check comes, cough up your half of the bill and tell her how much she owes. That's the end of it.


Hello all, I really would like your input if you have experienced the same senerio as I have. I was dating a girl for a couple months and things were going extremely well. I obviously wanted to know if there was something more to our relationship however the answer I got was that we are friends. Ouch! That really hurt. Few months later we continue to be close friends.


If the above is applicable to you, have you been able to find love again after things were declared as friends? Do you think she still may have romantic feelings towards me? I am going out for dinner with the same girl for the first time after we have decided that we are friends. Should I pay just like every other time we went out for dinner, pay 50/50 or let her pay if she offers? Thank you all. Your input is so valuable to me.

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