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Hi there. I met my gf over the internet through a friend over two years ago and we've been together in real life for over a year. We love each other so much and I can't live without her. Unfortunately we live in different cities which makes spending time with each other difficult and we are often limited to phone discussion. When we do get to spend time together, it's heaven but when we can't it sometimes hurts. I really want to make it work between us as she's the love of my life. She's begged me several times to come over and study/work in her city and live with her family. I'm finding it hard to make a decision because although I really want to move over there and be with her, I know virtually no-one else over there and all my family/friends are where I currently live. Also my parents aren't supportive of me going over there because they are worried if the relationship doesn't last and I'd then be on my own without a place to stay. Every time I go back my girl gets very teary and stressed and begs me to stay. I feel terrible for leaving her.. Could anyone give me a little advice?


Then the other problem.. when I'm in my city I have been feeling the temptation to chat online and webcam with others. I would never be able to cheat on her in real life but it still feels like cheating just the same. It's not a constant problem and it feels more like sexual frustration more than anything else.. I know that I want to be with my girlfriend more and doing this makes me feel dishonest and as though I'm betraying her. Whenever I've felt like doing this it feels as though there's a part of me urging me to stop but then I still feel tempted.. I've felt like I should bring it up with her.. but I'm worried how she'll react. Help!

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