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Are you upset because you were not invited?


Go out and have some fun yourself..... of course no need to attempt revenge or anything.


The b- tenders will really be way too busy to actually flirt.... they are just really looking forward to the $$.


You do need to decide if you want to deal with this in a relationship.

Nobody says that you have to lower your expectations of your partner and stay with them. Not saying you should end it, but damn I just see too many people in relationships with partners that do not have compatible ideals of what is appropriate and what is not appropriate behavior in a partner.

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I agree with a4a. This is really wearing you out, I wonder if it's worth it.

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hey everyone--just wanted to give an update on my situation


He is there right now--and i still feel somewhat insecure about what he is looking at down there. The thing is--he tells me its not like i told him it would be or--or like the pictures i only told you guys about. He said he doesn't see anyone giving beads to girls in order for them to flash the men etc. I still feel he is downplaying it a little. I think at the bars its the same thing--with those girls dressed like that and dancing etc.

I guess pics would be posted soon enough and i can see for myself.

I have not been calling him. I guess i am too stubborn to call and check up even though i wonder. He gave me the hotel phone number and said if i'm not home, call the cell

He is the one who has been calling me. He has been calling me about 3 times a day and last night i spoke to him also when he got in at 3 am. I can tell he was a little buzzed and he sayed he missed me and that he isn't doing anything wrong. Do you think the calling and all of that means there is a good chance i'm worrying too much? He called me last night outside the bar and told me its not as bad as i have been making it sound.

And he still continued to say-there are no eligible women here and even if there were, it wouldn't matter. I still hate that he is at these bars and the women are dressed so scantily clad as they say.

What do you think?

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No Stress Lady

Please - quit worrying. It's exhausting. You must feel like a stuck record sometimes.


Let's look at what you've said:


Your boyfriend is being considerate and calling you - which is good.


You're not calling and hassling him all the time - which is good.


He's told you he IS NOT INTERESTED IN ANYONE ELSE. Which is good.


For heaven's sake, he'll be home before you know it.


I really do not think you have anything to worry about.


But you will if you continue to treat him with this constant suspicion. How would you like it if he viewed you that way - assuming you were always going to be looking at/after other guys, assuming you were untrustworthy? You'd probably feel pretty hurt wouldn't you? And insulted?


Sounds to me like he's doing his best to reassure you but somehow I think he'll still be given the 10th degree when he gets home *sigh*

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I wanted everyone's opinion on this though..We talked about this long before the trip and I said a strip club is not something i feel comfortable with in a relationship--its just not something i would ever be ok with. He said he can somewhat see my point unless it was a bachelor party--meaning he would go to that. But that was our agreement.


This place has strip clubs around the area. I'm wondering--if all the guys he is with wants to go, would he? Do you think i should ask him if he is going to keep his word about the strip club thing even on vacation? I think it is important to still keep his word about this. But i also know my b/f--if everyone is going including some married--he is not gonna sit at the hotel room. I think he would go. What to do.

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you can ask but don't be suprised if he does go...i wouldn't worry about it, i know easier said that done but wouldn't you rather know he's going than not know??? i hate the even thought of my bf going (i've been with him and i know it's nothing to worry about but just the thought of another woman touching my man sends meinto uck don't even want to talk abut it) anyway, don't worry about it...he won't do anything there...actually he may be "safer" there as far as hooking up than at a normal bar. the girls can only do so much. is he in myrtle beach? some are bottomless and most are just topless...they aren't that nice so i'm sure he won't be impressed.

the more you worry the worse it makes it. you'll start having situations come up in your mind and totally make things worse! i promise!! just relax and try not to concentrate on whether or not he's going to strip clubs but concentrate on the fact that he called you...he thought about you even when he was buzzing, he actually calld you more than one time a day...you're fine, girl. i know it's hard not to overanalyze and worry, especially when he is there right now but you're just making it worse on yourself...and if it is myrtle and those bars...you really have nothing to worry about unless your guy has not an ounce of class. those women are NASTY!!!! prob all the guys are laughing at them more than they are fantasizing over them!!


you'll be fine, quit dwelling on something like a strip club...those never mean anything.

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OK guys--i need your opinion on this situation:


My b/f does not get reception in his room with the cell phone--He usually calls from his friends phone to say call the hotel room. At the bars when he is out--he always gets his calls and i see the text messages are sent and delivered right away. Last night he went out and i did too. I call him at 2am and we were talking for about 20 minutes and after the convo ended he said talk to you later. I text message him at 4:30 am--the text was sent but not delivered so i figured he was in his room and he was sleeping. I wake up in the morning and see the text was delivered at 6:30 am--that is making me think he was at someone else's hotel last night and then went to his or something. Doesn't it sound a little suspicious? He always got the texts if he was at a bar because its open type area--never any problems with reception except noisy people. Also, its not like at 6:30 am he is going to wake up and say i need some fresh air..in order to get reception on the phone, you need to walk about 5 minutes away from the hotel. i spoke to him today and he said they left at 3am or so and he woke up at 9. But the few times i text messaged him this week and he was in the hotel--it was never delievered until after he left the hotel room and was out. Does this sound weird? I don't if i should ask him--i thought you couldn't get any text messages or calls at the hotel--why did you get them at 6:30 and never anytime before during the week---write back

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No Stress Lady

Stop obsessing about this, it's so unhealthy.


You're like a dog with a bone, worry, worry, worrying away at this.


As you clearly do not trust him - at all - and constantly seize on every opportunity to doubt him, why don't you just do yourself a favour and dump him?

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