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desperatly seeking advice

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alright im in kind of a bind and id appriciate some advice- i have a guy friend and we've been friends for a couple yrs and recently in a drunken escapade we messed around. the next day we decided that this shouldnt change anything and we should be friends and we havnt talked about it since (it wasnt that long ago though), but im emotionally confused. You see when we 1st met there was definate attratction but we lost touch and it never went anywhere then when we got back in touch we just kept it at a friend level. We were always slightly flirty but nothing came of it, well untill recently. And although we decided on friendship its kinda stirred up some old feelings and i dont know if its the same for him, and i dont know what to do. Cause i still want him in my life even if its just as a friend and dont wanna scare him off or make it akward if he doesnt feel the same way. So please someone give me your opinion on what to do!

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Okay, you've already messed around so let me tell you I bet things are already awkward for you. If it's on your mind then you can bet it that the situation that occurred has certainly crossed his too. I think that if you are friends and close ones at that then you need to talk about it again and get your feelings out in the open. Tell him how you feel and tell him exactly what you just said in your post. Tell him that you feel like you want to pursue the feelings but that you're scared of losing his friendship and see if he doesn't feel the same way. It sounds like maybe he does but if you don't just tell him then how will you ever know? Write him a letter and then see what he does. Writing him a letter saves you a little grace and buys you some time to think before he can respond.


Think long and hard what you want to convey and then write him.



alright im in kind of a bind and id appriciate some advice- i have a guy friend and we've been friends for a couple yrs and recently in a drunken escapade we messed around. the next day we decided that this shouldnt change anything and we should be friends and we havnt talked about it since (it wasnt that long ago though), but im emotionally confused. You see when we 1st met there was definate attratction but we lost touch and it never went anywhere then when we got back in touch we just kept it at a friend level. We were always slightly flirty but nothing came of it, well untill recently. And although we decided on friendship its kinda stirred up some old feelings and i dont know if its the same for him, and i dont know what to do. Cause i still want him in my life even if its just as a friend and dont wanna scare him off or make it akward if he doesnt feel the same way. So please someone give me your opinion on what to do!
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