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Woy this in love with Best Friend shure is popular... here goes mine...

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Well as i have seen a lot of people suffer the IN LOVE WITH MY BEST FRIEND decese, so here goes mine, i know (her) my best friend since junior high till today that would be like 5 to 6 years, we have been real best friends, helpoed each other out when needed, etc etc until we had a problem last year, i started getting feelings for her, she just broke up with her boyfriend who where together for like 3 years i was on time with my girlfriend and one day we got drunk with some friends and we started making out, damm... from there it was all strange we knew we had smething going on but she didnt want to risk the friendship so she hooked up with a guy started dating but still we would somethimes get drunk and she would kiss me or stuff like that, that happened like 3 times during her relationship with that guy, then i met a girl started talking to her etc she would get jealous tell me she is ugly bla bla bla ... i liked getting her jeloues i got to admit it, but then karma has its way of going and f***ing me around like always so this one time at the end of last year we had a car accident we where both drunk and well it was a mess her family totally hated me now mine like wise we stopped talking to each other for like 5 months till now, we talked and you could say we made thing right you know?, but i now im just back at the same dam page... i still love her cuz i reallly do, she is beautiful for me , i love being with her and i really did missed her this time , and now i dont know what to f@#$% do... im clue less , because she sometimes used to tell friends that she wouldnt risk the friendship but all those things happened and she would demonstrate another thing ya know?, so know we are talking again and i am so scared of being rejected again and getting my heart broken again ... i really dont know what to do... i dont know if she likes me or something i need HELP:lmao:

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Drinking and driving is wrong. THink about the kids, man.

as far as love goes

If she doesnt feel the same way, its JUST NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

Sure she can kiss you and make out, but it seems like each time you both have done that, you or she or the both of you were drunk.....


You sound young. Perhaps focusing more on studies might help you to put things into perspective.......and if not, at least you could stand to brush up on your spelling...

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