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one night stand

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i am a 20 year old girl who's currently in college. last weekend, me and my friend were at a bar and we met these two 27yr old alumnis. we ended up leaving with them and going back to their apartment, where we had a one night stand. they drove us back to school the next morning. we had all exchanged numbers the night before(he called himself on my phone).

i dont usually do this (actually its my first one night stand ever) so i'm not sure what to do with this situation. I wasnt planning on ever calling him unless he called first, but when i think about it, it's kind of weird to me that i probably wont see him again. so is it weird if i text/call him this weekend? i wouldnt mind hanging out with him again....

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If you think you might be interested is seeing this guy again, by all means call him. By doing so you'll find out real fast where his head is at where you are concerned.


On future dates, you might want to hold back on sleeping with him until you determined if he's really interested unless, of course, you're just looking for a roll int he hay yourself.


Call him and take it from there.

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I agree. You have nothing to lose by calling him and will find out what you are not sure about. You'll determine his level of interest in you. Maybe he wants to hang out with you again too and you could tell him it was your first time doing what you did.

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My first one-night stand turned into a now 9 month relationship, although it's more like FWB, we've liked each other enough for it to be going on for this long. He did the same thing, called himself on my phone the next morning, and then called me the next day and that's how it happened. I would say if he doesn't call within a couple of days, like 3 days-that tends to be a guy rule-then I'd call him. I mean is seems like from what you said he wants to hang out again, but be aware of what his intentions might be, because most of the time when you sleep with someone on the first date or a one night stand, then "the chase" is pretty much over for the guy. All I'm trying to say is it's hard to go back to the dating scene-dinner,movies,etc after you have slept with them. I hope that makes sense, and who knows maybe he could be the exception, but I would just proceed with caution k ;)

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