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Stuck between a rock and a hard place

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Well, I recently posted a thread about how my ex had been dating my friends after we broke up -> (Its funny how old friends turn into new foes)

I still really care about this girl and would do anything to get her back.

We still keep in touch since I moved about 500 miles away from her.

We continue to be "friends" I guess you would say but she still knows I care for her allot. At times, there is "tension" between us, I wouldnt call it sexual tension, but more like a " I miss you and you miss me" kinda tension. Okay, To get to the point of my thread, Like I said I recently moved " back to my parents house ". They plan on going on vacation for a week or two down south. My ex and I talk all the time like I said and I happend to mention that my folks are going away.

Well, this is where it gets tricky, She says to me that she wants to come visit me while they are gone. She tells me that if I pay for the tickets that she will come down for a week. Hmm... I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I really like her and can see the possibility of this workin out to my favour, But, I can also see me getting my hopes up and nothing happening aswell.

I dont want to ruin the friendship we have but I would love for it to get batter or re-kindle what we had.

What should I do...?


Constructive critisism please..

I don't need people telling me how much of a moron I am lol

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I'm sorry but I don't understand people who want to be friends with someone but wanting more than friendship. This, to me, is pure torture. You must be a stronger man than me to want to be around her no matter the cost to your feelings. I would advice you not to have this friend come and visit you as you will just hope for more and she is probably just thinking of all the fun you can have being together. Do you really want to put yourself through the pain of disappointment?

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I guess your right.

It's just that she is such an amazing person.

But, she has put me through allot, and its probably not worth all the stress and B.S. of having her come down and visit.

It would be hell either way, If things did turn out for the better or even if she just came to have a good time then left, I think I would be really disapointed/sad after she left.

Thanks allot Yamaha..

Another good post



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It sounds to me like she wants a free vacation!!! I agree that being friends after a break up is extremely difficult, especially if one has moved on and the other has not. Which seems to be the case here. No offense, but despite how amazing you think she is, she must not be that great if she is willing to date your friends. Thats almost hateful! I would say, tell her no. You need to stand up for yourself. It sounds like your letting her walk all over you.


You say there is this tension, and its probably because she does miss you. Its also probably because she feels badly for hurting you and is trying to make peace in her own mind for what she did without actually getting back together. I did this to an ex one time. Just don't make things harder on yourself, ok?

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