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I'm Falling with a Friend


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hello. it's my first time reading your articles on this site, and i was convinced sharing my problem with you.


i have a friend who is 4-year ahead of me. we've been friends since i was in my 4th year high school, and he's in college. i rate our friendship as "9" out of 10. i've been calling him "kuya" and i also feel that he cares with me as friend or kid sister. time passes by, when i felt this strange feeling for him. we went out for swimming with some of our "barkadas". that time, we're flirting with each other, pulling each other on the pool, giggling and chatting. from that night, i came to realize from myself that i'm already infatuated to my friend or probably, i'm falling in love with him, but i'm afraid to sort out my real feelings. the problem is that, he has another friend. he told me before that he had a crush on her. but now if i'm asking him why can't he court her, he's just smiling or answers nothing. and in order for me to avoid my feelings for him, i made distance. i gave way for that girl and thought that he will remain as friend to me, no more no less! 7 months from now, we see each other again. i didn't expect that anymore. when he saw me, it's really obvious that he misses me a lot, same thing i felt during that time. until now, he has no girlfriend. in fact, the first thing he said that time was: "probably you have boyfriend already". i told him, i haven't. next week, he's asking me to watch movie with him alone. at first, i was shocked because that's the first time he's inviting me going out without some of our friends. usually, we go out as group. my feelings for him got back, but i'm not sure if it's right to continue this. aside from that, i'm not sure if he feels the same way too. please give me an advice

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