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constructive feedback on his ex pls

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what's going on

Is his ex-girlfriend up to something when she shows up at event he has gone to for 10 years and is she disrespectful to the new girlfriend if he told her he can't get together with her w/out new girl?

To give you better idea - it's something that he has down consistently on the same day every few weeks. She could've scheduled anyday of the week to go, and she had been emailing him recently wouldn't it be funny if she ran into him at "blah" (to which he kind of ignored) cause he goes every few weeks. She had tried to "run" into him on previous occassions and there just happened to be mishaps those days and he had to reschedule. To which he got emails "what happened" to you.

He ran into her a few days prior to the above event at a fav haunt and neither went up to greet each other (him out of respect to his girl who wasn't there) but they knew each other were there. The ex brought up "hearing" he was there when she showed up at his reoccuring event. Then tried to email him for the following weekend to go out for drinks and didn't mention bringing the new girl. Is this innocent after he told her they would not be getting together w/out new girl? She obviously doesn't understand and but I think issue maybe her - about her needs and wants (ie in this instance she had uncomfort level with him not acknowledging her at this "haunt" so she tried to insinuate herself to try and regain some importance/control in his life?)...

She's gotten better and tries to contact him less but when something in her love life goes awry she is always back to contact him (does this make him the fallback guy in her mind?).

New girl's issues with her too numerous to list but suffice to say that she has hard time letting go and realizing she platonic friend (that their friendship had to chg and evolve cause they aren't a couple anymore). Questionable morals

as believe guy was married when she pursued him. He divorced before he cheated, but there was some type of emotional affair.

Guy has gotten very good about understanding what an emotional affair is and avoids getting caught in that at all costs. Has been upfront but is not a jerk and doesn't want it to get ugly (new girl doesn't want that either).

Will time be the best medicine (been about 1 1/2 yrs now)...she had gotten much better....?


p.s. sry in third person started typing that way and too much to go back and change :)

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AS long as he allows her to be any part of his life she is going to be there. He would need to put his foot down and break off all contact with this girl.

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what's going on

Hey Tiki,

So you think that too? You see my gut has been going there...but he always thinks the best of people and thinks if he "handles" situation that it will be under control. In other words if he is nice to her but shows her distance that eventually she'll get it. My friends say that she will need someone "steady" in her life to really let go...but I wonder if some people are just built to not ever let go...along with the give em an inch they take a foot mentality....

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