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I just met this girl, and we're going to be going on a long trip. I dont want to just talk the whole time because that might get difficult. I'd rather not take the chance of running out of things to say, so should i bring along something that we could do...this might sound cheesy, but like travel battleship, or a deck of cards, etc? thanks

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I think a little something could help ease the tension of silence. May be some trivia or even battleship sounds good. If you notice a silence and can't think of anything to say offer to play something. That way you are both at ease so that one of you doesn't feel the pressure of having to carry the conversation.


But who knows, may be you'll hit if off talking and you won't need the games.


Scarlett O

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Yes, bring stuff to do. Bring the deck of cards, or mad libs or something fun like that. I don't know about travel battleship, she may think it's kind of nerdy but it may be fun to do. Games are a fun and great way to get to know someone better without having to have a lot of conversation. besides that, it will give you more to talk aobut later on and you could learn new things about eachother.



I just met this girl, and we're going to be going on a long trip. I dont want to just talk the whole time because that might get difficult. I'd rather not take the chance of running out of things to say, so should i bring along something that we could do...this might sound cheesy, but like travel battleship, or a deck of cards, etc? thanks
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