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I don't like being stereotype..please read this!

do i have a point?

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do i have a point?

I'm a junior in college and so is my boyfriend.last semester we knew a group of people who we used to talk and have lunch once in a while but as soon as my boyfriend became head supervisor on their residence dorm, he decided to stay away from them because they wanted him to allow them to do anything they wanted.


I live in a different dorm so i have zero business in my guy's relations with some of these people.However,the other day my guy told me that he was waiting for me when he heard someone said "mark is waiting on his spanish girlfriend." Then, 3 girls said hi to him in spanish. It seems that i'm being adressed as an ethnic group and to be honest i don't think that's nice because they know my name.


On the other hand, my guy ignored the girls because he doesn't want to be buddies with them and because they are rude. One of the girls is hispanic just like me,she is in the same study program as my guy so i don't know if she's somewhat jealous because since school started,she's being staring at us and gets loud (talking,laughing) when we are around. At the same time i don't know if my guy is right cause he started saying hi to this girl and make little conversation when he stoped completely cause of her attitude. I feel like they blame me that he ignores them cause they think i'm jealous. I'm not and i really have zero influence on how he deals with this. how do i handle this if i keep being referred to as a race not as a person.

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People pick on other people all the time in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons. It is immature to do so. I tend to ignore people that continually and repeatedly do this and stay away from them as much as possible.


Just as with your boyfriend, you have no control over what other people say and do. If you are blatantly confronted with rude behavior, you have to stand up for yourself. But don't stoop to their immature level of name calling and pigeonholing

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