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Does Age Matter?!?!


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I am a 28 year old woman dating a 23 year old man. He is very mature and I like him very much. I am 8 years into my career while my boyfriend is serving a second term as a US Marine. Do we have a future?

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For $29.99 I will give you my prediction.


As far as the age thing goes, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Your biggest potential problem would be if you have a younger sister that likes to try to steal your boyfriends.

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I'm thirty...um...six---I mean "eight"---and my *significant other* just turned thirty. We've been together for over a year now and the *balance* so far seems to be perfect. Of course, we're at different places in our lives, but there's plenty in common to keep us compatible; and just enough differences between the two of us to keep things interesting. (Afterall, I don't think I could bare to live with someone EXACTLY like me...I'd drive ME crazy!)


I think as long as your partner is of legal age (21 or older, so your not arrested for aiding in the delinquency of a minor if you take them somewhere where alcohol is being served) the so-called "age gap" decreases dramatically. Afterall, there are same-aged partners who have more difficulties finding common ground because of vastly different personalities, outlooks, expectations and experiences in life.


In short, its a *personality* thing and not an age issue.


Just my humble (and somewhat non-objective) opinion! :)

I am a 28 year old woman dating a 23 year old man. He is very mature and I like him very much. I am 8 years into my career while my boyfriend is serving a second term as a US Marine. Do we have a future?
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I am a 28 year old woman dating a 23 year old man. He is very mature and I like him very much. I am 8 years into my career while my boyfriend is serving a second term as a US Marine. Do we have a future? I dont see this as being a problem,if you are truly in love it will work out.
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If age is your only issue - you have nothing to worry about. Five years is not a significant age gap. When you're 85 and he's 80 - who's gonna care?! I met my bf over a year ago. He is 6 1/2 years younger than I am. I've been working and going to school what seems like my entire life - over 12 years of college and counting!!! He did the military stint and the marriage; divorced with child. We have differences when it comes to those experiences - that is it!! We have very similar backgrounds. Our financial status and outlook is the same. We want the same things out of life - even where we eventually want to live!! We have similar values and goals regarding family, marriage and children. As a matter of fact - the age difference has never - and I mean NEVER - been discussed. Only when he met my parents did we mention ages. My parents were older when they had me - which puts over a 15 year gap between his parents and mine. Again, it wasn't a problem - just a fact. Life puts all kinds of things in our path; it is how we react to them. I could have looked at him and said - young guy, divorced, child - why would I put up with those issues!!! Instead, I feel that I have amazing men to love - how incredibly lucky!! If you truly like this man and he is true to you and you have similar goals and values - you will make it. Focus upon what is truly important - the things you want out of life. If you both want a relationship and want similar things out of that relationship - age isn't and will never be an issue! I am a 28 year old woman dating a 23 year old man. He is very mature and I like him very much. I am 8 years into my career while my boyfriend is serving a second term as a US Marine. Do we have a future?
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