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Second best/"desperation lay"/etc...

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I've been friends with this guy for seven years and since my ex dumped me last year this guy and I have become f**k buddies as well. I full well knew what I was getting into...to a certain extent. After 7 years I certainly know his attitude towards relationships and women in general. He's not the relationship kind. He's told me over and OVER that he can't be trusted not to cheat on whoever he's dating.


So I know I'd never WANT to date him, yet I sometimes find myself wishing he wasn't such a jerk so I would want to date him. And, try as I might, I can't extract the emotions from the sex. Every time I think I can do it, I prove myself wrong...I'll see him flirting with some girl or some girl all over him and it tears me apart.


There is nothing emotional whatsoever in this situation...yes, we're best friends but when it gets to the down and dirty it's hardly sweet nothings and all that. More like wham-bam-thank you ma'am. Now I'm starting to wonder if he's only occasionally sleeping with me because he's simply lonely, not because he actually wants to.


I know the most logical answer is to stop sleeping with him, so please don't tell me that!! :laugh: I'm not looking for the right thing to do...just some thoughts.

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I think your in serious denial. Might as well pack your bags girl and head to candy land. I am not going to tell you to stop sleeping with him. What I am going to suggest however is that you shut off the alarm and wake up. You want someone to fall in love with you that isn't going to and that hurts, so much so that you'd rather sit in denial about it then face what's really going on in your life. I'm sure your a lovely girl with plenty to offer so get your head out of the clouds and find someone who actually IS what you want and need

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You can't bang.. er...have sex...with someone over a long period of time and then expect a loving relationship from him in return . You are one of the few who can't seperate the emotions from the sex. If you could then sex buddies would continue to work for you.

If its love you are looking for , its not going to happen. You give him easy simple sex and when he finds someone to get serious about , OUT goes you.

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Believe me, I know denial isn't just the name of a river in Egypt, and all that jazz... :laugh:


I think the problem is I haven't been very successful with meeting anyone new, so I kinda latch onto my friend as a safety net. The "finding someone better" caveat goes BOTH ways...once I find someone better, the benefits stop. And I know it's very foolish of me to think his feelings would ever change. Even having such a thought is ludicrous, but...

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