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Crush in one of My Classes


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I am a college student and one guy in one of my classes drives me crazy! He is absolutely gorgeous and we make eye contact AT LEAST twice per class, usually when the professor says something cute or funny. We talked in class a few times, but nothing too personal. One time I left class and I talked to this girl for like 3 minutes and when she left I was by myself. He was right behind me but he never said anything! And neither did I. We just walked llike that for 10 minutes or so. He also had to go to this buildign which would have been quicker to go to if he had taken another path instead of following me. So I wondered if I had a chance.


Last week (our class only meets once a week)I talked to this guy that my crush was walking with because we had run into each other in the bar and the crush seemed happy that I had talked to them,but I didn't get a chance to talk to him because the other one started a conversation about the bar! THe crush did smile at me and tell me to have a nice weekend. I think now at least it will be easier to talk to my crush about outside-class things, but I am afraid of being rejected and I am afraid if coming on too strong.


I just want to talk to him and feel out my chances - any recommendations for conversation-starters? Or ways to tell if I have a chance. I often can't tell if guys are being polite or if they really like me. Thanks so mcuh for your help!

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Don't be afraid of being rejected. The fact is some people you find attractive or interesting will not feel the same way about you. There's nothing wrong with that and it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. Just try not to take it personally.


If a guy doesn't make a pass at you or doesn't respond positively to a pass you make, it could be because he has a girlfiend, is inexperienced or is just shy. It doesn't necessarily mean he's not attracted to you or doesn't like you.


Keep up the eye contact and lots of smiles. When you have the chance, say "hello". Ask him about the class you are in together. Ask him about the other classes he is taking, how long he has been in school, what he is majoring in, where he is from...things like that.


If he doesn't catch on or respond the way you would like for him to, just let it go. There are or will be other guys that catch your eye.


Good luck!

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