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Need some insight LS Gurus!

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Just curious...


I have this girl whom I work with, and for the past few months we have constantly flirted and got along well ... But I left it at that cause I know she is recently divorced ( about a year ), she has been dating other guys, and her Ex Husband still stays at her house 1 week a month due to his work..


Im sure alot of people here would avoid this women at all costs right?


I kinda made an ass' outta myself one night a few months back when I got home hammered. I messaged her in the middle of the night and kinda let her knew that I was interested in her ... We both laughed it off the next day as she knew I was drunk, so that was that.


Anyway for the past 4 weeks or so she has started to contact me alot more. On Friday night she messaged me about 50 times! I was like damn settle down girl! ( I think she may have been drinking ). She started off with just small talk and then she went in for the kill, asking me why I messaged her that night when I was drunk... she said she was really curious and wanted to know.


After constantly pressuring me I gave in and told her that she had me curious and that I was interested in getting to know her better. She told me to expand on curious.... so I did, and I told her that I found her very attractive and thought she had a great personality.


Newayz, her reaction was 'really? thats good to hear' lol huh? .. Not what I expected.. She then asked me why I hadnt told her before and I just said that I didnt wanna make her feel uncomfortable cause I work with her.


She later said that she was blown away and really surprised ... and that was pretty much it.


She has invited me next Friday night to go out with her, and I have accepted, but I havnt really heard much from her since that night.. maybe she had a little too much to drink.. I dunno...


I dont even think I have a question here ... just wanted to get it off my chest as I am attracted to this girl, even tho theres alot of things that tell me this wont work.. I really dont know if she is even interested by her reaction... it seems to me she got alot of info out of me on Friday, but she gave away vertually nothing!


Any views on this?

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Any views on this?

yes....you'll find out fairly quickly why you NEVER, EVER date co-workers. There are no exceptions to this rule.

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Pretend it never happened, especially when you see her at work. It'll drive her crazy.

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Yeah ill do that Western - im gonna try not to look too deep into her motives here. We all know that Females are strange creatures when it comes to their thought process, and I just think she is trying to keep me in the 'Loop'.


She probably thinks she has me where she wants me know, but this little black duck aint gonna be a victim.


I am probably just thinking with my penis half the time... and yeah I know what you mean Alpha in regards to dating Co Workers.. big no no...


Ill see what happens

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Did I listen to Alpha or Westernxer? No.... im a fool


What a great night it was last Friday... and before long we were kissing, making out etc.. spent the night with her and thought everything went quite well....


The next few days I barely heard a word from here... hmmm strange.... and the date we supposed to be going on this Friday she had planned to stay over.. she has now pulled out of that saying she is busy on Saturday and cant stay.


I have really gotten the cold shoulder from her the past few days at work, and to be hounest its cutting me up a bit.


I had enough yesterday and just asked her, why she is doing this, and she said "Im moving away in 6 months and im just worried one of us are gonna get hurt, so we better not see each other"


Sigh... man what a f*** up. :(

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