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can trust ever be regained??( )

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I've been in a relationship for the past year with my boyfriend. When we first got together he was real insecure.(his x girlfriend cheated on him with a girl) Now, we had broken up for a few days, and during that time period my car was in the shop and i had seen my x and he brought me to go get my car out the shop. I ended up telling my boyfriend when we got back together.(but mind you nothing happened) so he starts questioning everything. Going through my phone,checking my voicemail,checking my email,my purse, and everything,yet i have never been unfaithful to him. Now he's been doing those things for about 5 months now EVERYDAY. Is it my fault he doesn't trust me or his x's? Will i be able to get him to trust me? Does counseling work for that? I am now 6 weeks pregnant with his child, and don't want to be stressing if I don't have to be... so if anyone could help i would really appreciate it.

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