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Dating after separation

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the last 3 1/2 years of my marriage have been horrible. I decided it was time to separate. I have moved out about 7 weeks ago, but I go back to thehouse almost every night to have dinner with my kids and put them to sleep. My wife is content with this set up because we are both committed to making this transition as painless as possible for the kids. I am clearly a happier person now that I have my own place and know that I am moving on to become happier. I only stayed as long as I didn becauseof the kids, but i know that was a mistake.


I wouldlove tomeet a woman. It doesnt feel likeI have been in a relationship inover 3 years and essentially I havent been in one. I would like to go and meet some women have coffee and then see what happens. I think I am ready for thisnow. any advice would be appreciated.

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Mistaken Identity

So, is your question whether or not you should meet a woman, or how to go about it? If you're separated, I don't see the harm in dating. But I think I would refrain from sex. As far as how to meet them--I don't have a clue. There's the online dating services. They seem to work for lots of people.

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Mistaken Identity

I just remembered advice from one of my much-dated friends. She says she talks to men everywhere she goes. She doesn't seem to discriminate, either. I guess that's an idea.

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Remember, a separation is NOT a divorce. The separatees are still each other's lawfully wedded spouses. With a view to this, I would be very candid about marital status with anyone you are dating.


Another thing to consider is the fact that you are on a rebound. Postings on LS have stated repeatedly that rebound relationships are not known for their long-term success.


For now, it may be inadvisable to try cultivating anything more than platonic friendship.


If a man eats a pound of pasta and a pound of anitpasto, do they cancel each other out, leaving the man still hungry?

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