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what would you think if i gave you this letter

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Quick background......ive been with my boyfrind for 2 years now and in dec i moved in with im cus we had goten pregnant. we were both very excited. i rented out my condo and moved in with him, but had a miscarriage in february. We decided to try again in may or june. The past month he has been strange. He is glued to his cell phone, he is distant with me and barely even laughs anymore with me. I know i have insecurity issues, but I feel it in my gut that something is not right. We had a few fights in the last couple of months and one of the things he said was that he was so tired of me asking him if he was going to dump me or if he loves me. (like I said i have insecurity issues) and that if i were to say anything like that again he will just end up leaving me cus he was sooooo tired of hearing it.

So here I am, knowning and feeling that somehting is not right and I Want to talk about it with him, but Im a bit scared.

So I wrote a letter. Should I give it to him?


The letter:

I know it isn’t anything I did or said. I know I haven’t done anything for you to hate me. I know you don’t hate me. I know you love me. But I just can’t help but feel how far away you are from me. Feels like there is a distance between us. You sleep next to me, you sit next to me, but seems to me that your not “next to me”. I probably have you confused by now. Its almost as if you rather be doing something else or be somewhere else. Its kind of put me in a strange situation

I appreciate that you don’t hide things from me. That only makes me realize that I have the up most trust in you. Which builds more and more when u show me that you hide nothing from me.

Papi, I know that you are not an affectionate, lovey dovey, I wanna be all over my girl kinda guy. Ive learned to live with that. Just seems that something has pulled you away.

I know our communication skills suck ass (hence the letter).

I love you so very much and if something is on your mind, and you want to talk, I hope you know that you can talk to me


Should i go into more detail? should i not say anything and wait out this strange behavior?

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I hate to say it and please don't take this wrong, but moving in together because you're pregnant is not a good reason to move in together no matter how long you dated. This is coming from someone who moved in with her boyfriend of 3 years three weeks before her due date. Now the really bad news is that it sounds like he's cheating on you. He might have been trying to do the noble thing and all with you when you got pregnant, but it doesn't seem like he is bothering anymore. As far as the letter goes, not to sound harsh, but if you are grown up enough to have sex, get pregnant, and go through a miscarriage together, then you should be able to confront him about his strange behavior. Normally when you think something is wrong and that your guy is doing wrong, he normally is. I'm seeing a wonderful guy now who loves me AND my son and left the other loser in the dust. You should do the same and find someone who loves you just the way you are.

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