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To text or not to text

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Long story short, been good friends with a bloke for about 6 months, since the start of this year we've had flirty banter, looks, messages etc. Then this all went quiet and things between us got really awkward. Then 2 weeks ago we were both at a party and hooked up at the end of the night, he told me how he'd liked me since i was with my ex of about 7 months ago now.


We got back to his house, fooled around passed out very drunken then slept together the next morning, I heard from him a few days later by text, just random chit chat, then nothing for the rest of the week. Last saturday we were both drunken again, it got to the end of the night and we ended up pulling. This time i didnt hear from him afterwards but when i saw him on thursday, only briefly, as i was going home and he was clearing up after work, i went to say bye and he took my hand, and was like squeezing my fingers, then seemed to move to kiss me on the lips but i couldnt as essentially all of our friends would have seen.


Additionally his best friend is interested in me, and keeps trying to tell me this, at one point the bloke who i hooked up with even believed that ifancied his friend due to us having more conversations than him and i do at the moment!


From the lack of hearing from him id go that he wasnt interested but when i see him it seems different. I want to text him now in a light hearted way to see how he's doing etc Would it be viewed by him that im too keen? Should i just leave it to whether or not i hear from him?

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I'm curious ? Does *hooked up* mean you had sex ? In America that term is used . I say it meaning *get together and hang out* but alot of people mean having sex .

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I'm curious ? Does *hooked up* mean you had sex ? In America that term is used . I say it meaning *get together and hang out* but alot of people mean having sex .


I'd say hooked up means went off together - not necessarily having sex but


"fooled around passed out very drunken then slept together the next morning"


"slept together" in the UK I read that to mean had sex.


I don't see any harm in a friendly text. Most problems are due to lack of communication or misreading things so it's always good to keep in contact. I wouldn't do it all one way so if you text him leave him to text back, but no harm starting the ball rolling.

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