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what do i do?

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okay... here's my situation...

My ex of four years... has blatantly said that she wants to get back with me. That she's sorry and that she knows she messed up.


We broke up in january because we basically suffocated each other.


she dated other guys while we weren't together and I was heart broken...


Then I got the balls to initiate strict no contact... and she realized what


I had to offer was that great..


here's the catch tho.. and it is really really a HUGE catch..


Apparently she is "with" someone.


This guy was basically her rebound and he is more like a shoulder to lean on for her. She tells me that she doesn't connect with him and that she is going to end things with him.


She wants to us to work things out.


What do I do? Should I take her back? Should I wait and see. Or should I just say that we can't be together again. Some advice would be great.. If you guys want any details I could give you guys some details...


I would really like some help guys..

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Just tell her once the other guy is totally of the picture, then maybe you guys can work things out ... Dont be having this talk while she is sleeping with this other guy ( Im sorry, he is more than a shoulder to lean on ).

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I'd leave it alone. For one thing, she's not available. She has a boyfriend. If you take her back just like that, she won't respect you.


When you went NC and dropped off the radar, she started thinking, "why did he stop calling? He should still be crying over me." It tweaked her ego. That's all. Never take back someone who dumped you. They will only dump you again.

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I don't see it quite as pessimistically...it's possible that she really does realize her mistake. But I'd be very cautious if I were you. She did dump you, and she needs to realize that you aren't just going to drop everything and go back to her. She will take you for granted if you do that. If she is only willing to drop the other guy if she knows you'll take her back, that's a bad sign. She may just be afraid to be alone. She needs to end things with the other guy first, clean it up, and then maybe you guys can talk about a second chance. But not until then.

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"he is more like a shoulder to lean on for her."


No. He's more like the excuse for her to pull u into a big stupid drama.


Which u don't need.

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