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Anybody Tried An Online Dating Service?

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Mistaken Identity

I know I should probably post this question at another forum, but I'm interested in opinions from others in my situation (soon-to-be-divorced). Are those services--like Match.com--just for people looking for sex? I know a woman who dates guys she met online and she says they're all losers. Thanks for your replies.

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A few years ago I decided to sign up with one of the services and I had many responses...there were a few I didn't bother to email back to because things just didn't sound right to me, but for the most part they seemed genuine, they seemed as if they were honestly in search of a relationship. I didn't get the impression they were just looking for sex. I met some of them ...went out for coffee, out to dinner, out to the mall, and I attended sort of a seminar with one of the guys because we had a common interest. As gracious and kind as they were to me I just didn't feel any true connection (for a romance) and I think all but two of them agreed with me on that. I wouldn't call any of the guys I met 'losers.' Not at all.


So, in my opinion the dating sites are a good way to meet men and I consider it safe as long as you meet in a public place...make sure you do your own driving until you feel certain you can trust them.

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I havent met anyone yet. I'm too nervous too. But I've talked to a lot of guys. A lot of them seem like nice guys, with a few exceptions of those who are forward enough to talk trash to me. I simply ignore them until they go away. It's a great way to boost your confidence a little, get use to talking to the other gender, especially after being separated. There's even a few free ones so the pressure of meeting is not as strong as opposed to others where you have to pay. Try okcupid.com for free one. Warning tho, there are ALWAYS weirdos out there, in real life or online, so dont get discouraged because some weirdo talked to you. Give it a chance and remember you dont have to meet anyone you dont want too.

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Hi MI,


I had a really good experience with match.com. My boyfriend and I met there six months ago - best $30 I ever spent!


The best analogy I can give you is that match.com is just like life: yeah, there are some losers who have no social skills and yeah, there are some people who are just looking for sex. But 90% of the guys I "talked to" online were just like me: divorced, worked a lot, not sure how to meet people, not wanting to go to bars to hook up, etc. I can honestly say *no one* on there did anything super-rude or made me feel uncomfortable. Most were very respectful and in no way made me feel pressured or creeped out. Plus if someone does bug you, you can block them.


It was a good way for me to re-enter the dating world after a painful break up, because it allowed me a certain measure of control. If I felt like going online, I did. If I was having a hard day, I avoided it. I also told several guys that I needed some time to feel comfortable with them online before meeting them and they were very understanding of that.


What I really liked about it was that you could assess the person without hurting their feelings. Specifically, I mean, for example, it was important for me to find someone who had certain qualities and if I saw in their bio that they didn't fit my little checklist, then I could just turn the page...much harder in real life, I think, to tell someone, gee you're nice but you have X, Y, and Z goin' on and those things don't work for me. And vice versa - people probably checked me out and thought, ugh, and then just moved on! No pain involved! lol


Just of course be careful with your privacy. Don't give out too much info in your bio about where you work or live, and pick a screen name that isn't too identifiable. Typical internet stuff you already know...blah blah.


So I'd highly recommend it. Good luck!

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I guess it all depens on you and what are you looking for in a dating website. Ive been on match.com, yahoo personals,hot or not, facethejury and eharmony. I've had good and bad experiences. You have to be open minded and clear about what you are looking for.

Online dating is like life. Some people might be too good to be true while in the other hand you might encounter fake people. Just remind yourself of the expectations.


I recommend you read the reviews and stories of people to get a different perspective. If you are looking for anonymous sex dating sites you might be amazed of how many are also available.


You can also try the book Online Dating for Dummies as reference.


Good Luck Dating:D

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