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Hi there


I have met the girl of my dreams and we are seeing each other almost 6 months now. I suppose I haven't been too lucky in love and as much as I would like to think that it hadn't affected me I would be lying if I did.


My girlfriend is full of confidence and bursting with excitement but at the moment I feel at a low point. I have dated girls before where I have been in control but at the moment I don't have that confident feeling. Maybe it's because she's beautiful, vibrant and sexy. We spend every waking moment with each other but she is in France on business at the moment and it sounds like she's having the time of her life - up at 8am - back to bed at 4am and the same again.


This may sound silly but if I get the last text at 1am but she tells me she got to bed at 4am - why not text to say goodnight even? Am I over reacting - am I becoming obsessive?


How do I get over my trust issues if this is my true problem??

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There is no point in worrying, it's not going to solve anything. You need to be more confident. I think it would help your confidence if you cracked some jokes to her. Something along the lines of: "I feel sorry for you! 'Cause, you know, you aren't over here with me!" "France must be so boring and lonely without me around!"

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