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Could this be it?

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Ok, so, after many repeated instant messages from my ex where I kept a "distance" (to see if this was more "friendly" contact and nothing more), I finally opened up a bit and acted friendly since she was really persistant (every day almost). When she said "We should hang out sometime this summer" I finally said "Yeah sure, I'd like that".


So to my suprise not more than a couple of days after that conversation, I'm sitting in my dorm room working on some project and all of a sudden there she is knocking on my window, asking me to go out to eat with her and her friends. So I accept and we all go out, the first in person contact in 7 months.


Things went REALLY well...there was lots of flirting going on (or so I think, and others too that I've told this to) and the main reason I wanted to make this post was to see if it really was that. Starting off, once we got on the car she commented on how I "smelled really good". We all went out to restaraunt together and while there she talked to me almost the entire time, even going so far as to interrupt me while I was talking to someone else just to get a word in. As we were leaving, she got out her camera and started taking pictures (she's one of those girls that takes pictures of everything). Seeing as how I haven't seen her in a long time, I figured the picture taking would be with just her friends (all were girls except for 2 boyfriends)..but then all of a sudden she asked to take one with just me. As we were making a rather close pose, she started tickling me, and I did to her back. Later on her friend's dropped her off at her dorm and she drove me back to mine a few minutes away. I got a hug and a "you know you can call me sometime if you're ever bored" and that was the night.


Anyway, recap to help understand. I'm 20, she's 18. We dated for 2 years and I was her first real boyfriend. She dumped me 1 month after getting into college for another guy, who later dumped her a week later. I did all the usual dumb stuff, but finally implemented a strong NC. I kept it up no matter what she did, until January when she sent me an IM with casual conversation, so I decided it was long enough and got into it, until she decided to throw in there that she had a new boyfriend now for no reason. I got really mad and told her off big time and back to NC after which a few months she started messaging me again every 2 weeks (acting as if that fight had never happened), with me putting up a very cold front (didn't want to burn bridges by completely ignoring). Her new boyfriend broke up with her about 3-4 weeks ago (the relationship was crap anyway, it started off and was long distance for the entire time).


So what do you guys think? Is she trying to tell me something here? What I'm really afraid of is this will only end up as "just friends" or she's just using me as an "inbetween" guy since her boyfriend just broke up with her. I am thinking about asking her to do something with me this weekend, like mini-golf or dinner, something small, nothing that I pay for (she likes guys that take the initiative). Do you think this is a good idea?

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I would save yourself a lot of time spent wondering, and just ask her how she feels.


Just ask her.


So you know where you stand.


If you want a reconciliation, ask her, 'how do you feel about a reconciliation?'.


If you want to avoid the friend zone, ask her.

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