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friendship, crushes, relationships

Female Aries

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I friends with two guys that are night and day in personality. (1) We will call B, we go to the movies and watch videos at his place, go to concerts. Most of the time I think of him as a girl really. But when I feel like I need a little physical attention I have tried to get close to him, but he moves away. We were at a party recently and it is the first time he has seen me drunk he said. I don't let myself get to the point where I don't remember thing I did or say, but sometimes I claim not to...Anyway, I was dance, have fun and then sat on the couch with him. We started talking about casual sex and safe sex...We got up to walk around and was was danceing around more. A slow song came on and I ask him to dance and he said mostly underhis breath, "yeah, even though this probably won't lead to me getting f***ed to night." Now before he phased it in such a manner the thought had crossed my mind, but the statement sealed no. I mean he never wants to ever get affectionate and has never said anything to me like that before. He doesn't even hold doors for me or ofer to pay for movies or any type of gentlmen thing. I saw him recently for a quick minute and didn't anything. I'm not sure I should say anything, but I'm not sure I want to see him any anyway any more. ANY ADVICE ON THIS.


Now about the perfect man, well not really but he is nice, a real gentlmen, opens doors. Lead singer of my favorite local band which is how I met him. I was a music critic and it took a lot to just gain his trust at all. Plus he was in one of my college classes. Like I said he has been really nice to me in the past, but not going out of his way. The last few weeks it seems he has been going a little out of his way to talk to me, even telling his guy friend to wait a minute and coming over to talk to me. We have been instant messaging more to. But he knows alot more about me then I know about him. I tend to talk to much. I usually chat with him at school and shows, but he does not come up to talk to me when B is with me, I usually talk to him if I can. I have known him for over 2 years and he had a girlfriend when we met, but they broke up fairly recently. My opinion is he just moves slow in relationships, but I never know what is really thinking which intrigues the hell out me. Great write and student too, plus he has another job. I would love to be more than friends. ANY ADVICE ON THIS ONE



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